bajenaghe naghi
10-May-2008 (one comment)
are people becoming mean? >>>
10-May-2008 (12 comments)
Actual speech with some footage and words spoken by other people. Delivered Oct. 2, 2002. >>>


Thinking of you

Short/fun film from a conference trip to Barcelona

10-May-2008 (11 comments)


Dream of becoming

Should I wake from this nostalgic dream into the nightmare of living?

10-May-2008 (14 comments)
It is dark. Lying under my bed, touching the thick harsh wooden board that holds the mattress, touching the cold metallic bed frame, listening to the drum-like sound of artilleries aimed at invisible enemies. The darkness of night blankets the absurdity of the situation, and still knowing that does not help me to calm down. I lower my hands to the ground, pressing the floor, hard, as if I am trying to dissolve into it, to transform into cold grey vapor--smoke and ashes. My body, my fingers, my back, feel numb, but still not as numb I dream of becoming>>>


امشب لوچیا می رقصد

لوچیا، لوچیای بی آزار و مهربان، صدای خاموشان جهان است

10-May-2008 (4 comments)
لوچیا ارام و باهوش و بی سر و صدا و بی جنجال است. وقتی سرش را کلاه میگذارند، لوچیا خاموش می ماند و با دستهایش، با همان دستهای فرز و مهربانش تند و تند چیزی را تکرار می کند که من دقیقاً نمی فهمم و لوچیا نفس عمیقی می کشد و دوباره همان را از سر تکرار می کند و آنقدر تکرار می کند تا بفهمش. وقتی می فمهش و از آنچه بر سرش آمده خشمگین می شوم و فریاد می کشم، لوچیا نفس عمیقی می کشد و ساکت می نشیند. >>>


Marriage at 10

Victims of both discriminatory laws and punative and traditional discriminations

10-May-2008 (8 comments)
It is said that in the slums of Zahedan, there are many houses where several families each occupy a single room in a house. There was an opportunity for us to enter one of these houses. The mother, sister, wife, sister-in-law, father and two brothers of the man who has asked us to go in, as well as several little children all live in a single room. One of the women is 27 and has a 12-year-old son as well as a little girl who is only a few months old. When I ask her at what age she got married, she replies: "At the age of 10!" And later other people tell me that in some of the towns in this region 10 to 11 is indeed the usual age of marriage>>>
ebi amirhosseini
10-May-2008 (one comment)
رامش و قاطبه در کاخ جوانان >>>


The Spider Killings (20)

Azadeh’s spit landed squarely in the middle of the man’s face

Ever since he had caught a glimpse of Azadeh wailing over the body of her dead friend in front of the Mausoleum of Imam Reza, Sharif, like a hungry tiger fixated on its prey, had kept close track of her. He had followed her to the police station, wondering when she would be released from questioning, hoping he could approach her for a ride then. But for the two days that Sharif kept his vigil, he had been thwarted in his plans. Coming and going, Azadeh was always accompanied by an older woman. An older woman who struck Sharif as one he had seen before. Well obviously, she must be a prostitute too. These morally ill women stuck together after all>>>


10-May-2008 (9 comments)
Dr. Hassan Abbasi, the head of the Center for Doctrinal Analysis in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, giving speech about the danger in the way some people think about the Zuhoor of Imam Mahdi >>>
Orang Gholikhani
10-May-2008 (11 comments)
شیپور فریاد بکش سیاه وسفید ناله کنید >>>

And the asylees aren't ?

Niki Tehranchi

In asylum cases, immigration judges under a lot of pressure

Palm Beach Post / John Lantigua
recommended by Niki Tehranchi
10-May-2008 (one comment)

Woo Iranians First

News Goffer

Iran woos Farsi-speaking nations

Asia Times / Kaveh Afrasiabi
recommended by News Goffer

Are We Surprised?

News Goffer

Shell pulls out of Iran gas deal

Reuters / Tom Bergins
recommended by News Goffer
10-May-2008 (one comment)

 اينجا ايران است.خانه از پايبست ويران است. حكومتش کشکی ،حكومت امام زمان است.بر مبناي قرآن است. رهبرش رهبر مستضعفين جهان است. کورشش در بند ديوان سيوان است .دولتش پر از دزدان است. رييس جمهورش علاف در ايران است. قبله اش  چاه جمکران است
