Beechareh Lobnani-ha

News Goffer

Iran's hand seen in Lebanese 'coup'

The Age / Adam Pletts
recommended by News Goffer
10-May-2008 (one comment)

Consequences of No Real Diplomacy

News Goffer

A War of Words with Iran

Council on Foreign Relations / Greg Bruno
recommended by News Goffer
Jahanshah Rashidian
10-May-2008 (37 comments)
Contrary to the Nazis in 1933, today, IRI's book burning and censorship are not so solely aimed at stamping out ideas of freedom >>>
Last month saw a series of protests and violent confrontations between Tibetans and Chinese security forces>>>
Bang Man
10-May-2008 (one comment)
Video - Zionist Jews attack Muslims & Christians. JEWISH HATE >>>

Trilateral Commission: Global Elite Gather in D.C.

Food for Thought


American Free Press / James P. Tucker Jr.
recommended by Food for Thought
09-May-2008 (one comment)
09-May-2008 (4 comments)

Every word written or read with this alien alphabet is an insult to our collective self.This choice was made for us through brutal force.Time to dump it & bury it in the dirt along with the rest of the invader,s culture & memoribilia!!

09-May-2008 (12 comments)
Some observations on my most recent trip to Iran. >>>
 I would like to invite all of you to please view this link and please please please have a heart and see if there is anything we as Iranians abroad can do. Thank you JJ and thank you all. >>>

What Happened to once Great America?


Americans selling stuff to pay rising bills / AP
recommended by almo5000
09-May-2008 (7 comments)
ebi amirhosseini
09-May-2008 (one comment)
 مهدی اخوان ثالث >>>
Mona 19
09-May-2008 (2 comments)
Happy Mother's Day....Please Enjoy, and Have a Great Weekend :) >>>
Bang Man
09-May-2008 (4 comments)

Did you know the Austrian Man who Raped Daughter was a JEW!

of course you did not. LISTEN to what the media will not tell you



Mother’s Day
09-May-2008 (9 comments)
Before I became “Mother”
Worry was just a word
Sleep meant long, peaceful nights
Didn’t need fairytales, lullabies or sweet lies
Before I encountered motherhood
Tiny fingers wouldn’t tug at my heart
Someone else’s pain couldn’t make me die >>>


كاتوليك‌هاي ديروز، مسلمانان امروز

در حاشيه ديدار پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم از آمريكا

09-May-2008 (5 comments)
سه سال قبل كاتوليك‌هاي آمريكايي براي انتخاب پاپي دعا مي‌كردند كه مدرن ستيز نباشد و به نص و روح اصول مصوبه در شوراي دوم واتيكان (سال 1965) وفادار باشد. مثلي است كه مي‌گويند خداوند همه دعا‌ها را مي‌شنود ولي بعضي اوقات جواب حضرت باري <نه> است. مسلمانان در آن روزها دستي به دعا نداشتند، ولي شايد بهتر بود آنها هم دعا مي‌كردند.به‌محض اينكه كاردينال راتزينگر سابق <تيارا>ي رهبري كاتوليك‌هاي جهان را بر سر گذاشت، اسقف مايكل فيتز جرالد كه از سوي پاپ جان پل دوم مسوول گفتمان با مسلمانان بود با تقليل منصب به‌كار ديگري گمارده شد و راهبان فرانسيسكن از مذاكراتشان با مسلمانان منع شدند. پنج ماه بعد در دانشگاه ريگنزبرگ پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم اسلا‌م را مستقيما مورد حمله قرار داد.>>>