23-Mar-2008 (one comment)
“Once again, the people of Iran entrusted the Parliament to the fundamentalists.” This was the headline of Keyhan,... >>>
persian westender
23-Mar-2008 (9 comments)


Peace, love & Norooz

Peace, love & Norooz

Photo essay: Iranians and Americans celebrate together

by Jahanshah Javid
23-Mar-2008 (16 comments)


Darius Kadivar
In Anthony Pagden's Worlds at War Pahlavi Shah and Napoleon Bonapart are archetypes, respectively, of East and West, each seeing himself as heir to a glorious civilization. >>>
23-Mar-2008 (3 comments)

Blame the Ayatollahs and their supporters for your iranian heritage related travel problems.

23-Mar-2008 (one comment)
Somayeh Mirani getting 3rd place for Spear at World Wushu Championships in 2007. >>>
23-Mar-2008 (6 comments)
Ayatollah Khomeini's speech in 1964 denouncing both the Shah and the United States, in response to the "capitulations" . >>>
In the great tradition of blogging, i.e. brainstorming and intending to write a light hearted blog, with elements of mockementary it seemed I stepped on a land mine>>>
23-Mar-2008 (3 comments)

"Self Explanatory".

Bahram the Iranian
22-Mar-2008 (5 comments)
are we less eligibile Iranians to express our views than those monarchists who cannt even remember the name of the city they lived in Iran? >>>


The Indian's gift

My First Day in America

22-Mar-2008 (14 comments)
I think my first impression of America was when I landed at Chicago O'Hare Airport and I had to walk what seemed like a fifteen-mile hike to my next plane. But the impression that has stuck with me all these years is what I saw in the second airport where I was waiting for a connecting flight to my final destination, Oklahoma City. There, in a waiting hall no larger than my grandfather's living room back in Iran, I saw something that simply stopped me breathing! In the corner of the hall stood a statue of an American Indian. A tall, handsome, and muscular man, with long black hair cascading over his broad shoulders. He must have been at least six and half feet tall. His eyes looked directly forward, as if focused over the tops of some imaginary rocky mountains miles away.>>>


I  Jumped For You

Although you are not with us anymore, you are not far away either

22-Mar-2008 (14 comments)
Dear Son, I wish I could tell you that your maman and I don’t still cry, but that would be a lie. We miss you more than ever and our hearts weep every day. Some days are better than others, of course, but not having you with us is still hard to cope with, but… we are doing the best we can. On this Nowruz I feel a flood of mixed emotions, just as your mother does. On the one hand, we both feel the heavy weight of your absence, but at the same time, we know just how much joy we had together over the years during Nowruz, and we don’t want to lose that like we lost you>>>


بی انصافا

از من خجالت می کشه،

22-Mar-2008 (2 comments)

از زنی که یکروز اون رو
برهنه تو شکمش داشت
ولی حالا روشو ازش برگردونده
که زخمیش نکنه،
با وجودی که تموم وجودش اشتیاقه،
می خواد دوباره قورتش بده،
می خواد بچه ش دوباره کوچولو بشه
و خودشودرسته توش بندازه

22-Mar-2008 (7 comments)
Funny Interview ...i cannot believe this the way people talk in Iran now on TV >>>
22-Mar-2008 (18 comments)
Iranian president greeting Iranians on Norooz, >>>