30-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
A memorable evening of International artists and religious leaders ; Hindus, Moslems, Jews, Catholics, and Sikhs; who came together to call for human rights and religious freedom in Iran; truly uplifting>>>
Orang Gholikhani
30-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
در دل تاریک شب
از پل سکوت گذشتم >>>
Darius Kadivar
30-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
Iran's Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is Greeted by Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Prince of Wales (Prince Charles is Crown Prince of Great Britian) in London. (circa 1978) >>>
Omid Hast
30-Oct-2009 (10 comments)
A new cartoon for Halloween. >>>
30-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
The sham presidential election of June 2009 has unleashed a rainbow of political forces,  including an increasingly strong red component>>>


Little Pumpkins

Little Pumpkins

Photo essay: Annual YABOO! parade

by kfravon
30-Oct-2009 (11 comments)


Sahameddin Ghiassi
I was teaching at the university and I loved my job a lot. Over twenty five years I was teaching and I was happy that I trained a lot of famous people, who are in the high position in other countries and in Iran >>>


Stuck in Bush

Why Obama's Iran policy will fail

30-Oct-2009 (44 comments)
Barack Obama has not drawn the right conclusion from his predecessor's failed Iran policy. A paradigm of sticks-and-carrots simply is not going to work in the case of the Islamic Republic. Here, a lesson is readily available, if only the Obama White House were willing to consider Iran's recent history. It is unrealistic to expect that a regime which fought Saddam Hussein's Iraq (then backed by the United States) to a standstill in a bloody eight-year war in the 1980s, unaided by any foreign power, and has for 30 years withstood the consequences of U.S.-imposed economic sanctions will be alarmed by Washington's fresh threats of "crippling sanctions.">>>

More depressing alternatives and an IRI collapse

Javad Yassari

The fading of an Iranian mirage

Guardian / Julian Borger
recommended by Javad Yassari
30-Oct-2009 (one comment)


کدام «راه راست»؟

از صراط مستقيم تا نوانديشی مذهبی

30-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
پيدايش هر مذهبی (در داخل دين ها) نشان از پيدايش نيايشگاه (بعنوان سازمان مرکزی) و دينکاران (بعنوان کارکنان آن سازمان) دارد و اين مجموعه خود را حاملان و نگاهبانان «راه درست» می دانند، و تا آنجا که زورشان برسد ديگران را وادار می کنند که فراروايت ايشان از «راه راست» را بپذيرند و هرکس هم که نپذيرد «کافر» محسوب می شود و آنکه از روايت سرپيچی کند «مرتد» و، در همه حال، مستوجب عقوبت مرگ. هم اکنون در زندان های ايران کسانی به انتظار مرگ نشسته اند که گناه شان خروج از اسلام و پيوستن به دين مسيحی است!>>>


Safe Haven

"The Glass House" shows disadvantaged girls’ passion to live and find hope

30-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
The Glass House (Fictionville, 2009) is an amazing movie reveals what goes on at Omid-e-Mehr center in Tehran, Iran. Founded by Marjaneh Halati, Omid-e-Mehr, or “Hope for Kindness”, is a non-profit organization helping disadvantaged young women of Iran to get back on their feet and learn the right skills to independently function in the society. As painful as it may sound, this movie was not about the pain these young women go through, although the story evolves around their problems and challenges>>>


The Manchurian Candidate

Be careful what you wish for

30-Oct-2009 (44 comments)
A young man with little known accomplishment or track record other than voting no to Iraq war as a jr. senator of Illinois, becomes U.S. president ‘against all odds’. He was supported by the richest in the U.S. and around the world, morally and financially. Was a superstar long before getting elected and a megastar afterwards. He is smart and talented for sure with immense self confidence, 'charisma', and the world's largest known fan club to booth. He inherited a cluster from the little Bush for sure but has spent several trillions of tax dollars and overwhelmingly to key players of Wall Street and Corporate world in an effort 'to revive the U.S economy'>>>


 گروگانگیری در ایندولند

نسل جدید تصمیم گرفته اند عوض سفارت آمریکا در مقابل سفارت روسیه تظاهرات انجام دهند

30-Oct-2009 (one comment)
سالها قبل، پدرو خیلی از سرودهای انقلابی را با حرارت می خواند و باعث جلب جوانان روستائی به ارتش چریکی تازه تاسیس ما می شد که با دولت مرکزی می جنگیدیم و قصد داشتیم حکومت طرفدار آمریکا را سرنگون و ایندولند رابه بهشتی در آمریکای لاتین و حوزه دریای کارائیب تبدیل کنیم. ما می خواستیم ملت ما "مثل" مردم شوروی در رفاه و آزادی باشند (آن موقع نمی دانستیم که آنها چقدر بدبخت و فلک زده اند). حالا اوضاع کلی فرق کرده است. پدرو دچار فراموشی شده و تا یک سطر از سرودی را می خواند دیگر بقیه را از یاد می برد. وقتی مرادر حال تفکر می بیند، زود می فهمد که نگران آینده انقلاب ایندولند هستم>>>



5 Friendliest Nations On Planet Earth

recommended by bahram9821
30-Oct-2009 (6 comments)