Strange Move

Anonymous Observer

Obama Writing Letter to Khamenei

recommended by Anonymous Observer
16-Mar-2009 (one comment)
16-Mar-2009 (7 comments)

در ایامی که یاران ایران در زندان اوین به سر میبرند و هر هفته تعدادی دیگر از بهائیان ایران به زندانهای کشور راهی‌ میشوند، خادمین کرمان نامه‌ای را امضا کردند و به دادستان کشور فرستادند که برای یکا یک آنها و جامعه بهائی ایران سر نوشت ساز خواهد بود. 


Andy Warhol showcased in Paris exhibition

Darius Kadivar

Grand Palais to show artist's portrait collections
recommended by Darius Kadivar


In so many words

In so many words

Photo essay: Signs and banners in Tehran

by Negar Mortazavi
16-Mar-2009 (9 comments)


Iranian Arrested


Iranian Businessman Charged in Weapons Scheme

TWP / Joby Warrick
recommended by capt_ayhab

Iran and Nuclear Power


Iran Is Unlikely to Give Up Its Nuclear Enrichment Program

Council on Foreign Relations / Bernard Gwertzman
recommended by capt_ayhab
16-Mar-2009 (one comment)
16-Mar-2009 (11 comments)
It is important to keep our good traditions and modify or eliminate the ones that are harmful to people, animals, and to the environment.


We take a stand

Prominent academics call for end to Bahai persecutions

16-Mar-2009 (17 comments)
We, the undersigned scholars and academic specialists in the fields of Middle Eastern and Iranian studies, call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to put an end to human rights abuses against Bahais in Iran, which have been greatly escalating in recent months, and grant them full civil rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Social and Economic Rights, to which Iran is a signatory. We note with great concern evidence of an ongoing campaign to deprive the Bahais of Iran of their fundamental human rights>>>
Red Wine
16-Mar-2009 (34 comments)
از يادداشتهاي من >>>


Neo-con agenda is dead? Really?

The Obama admininstration is still using the doctrine of preventive war-making

16-Mar-2009 (13 comments)
In an article titled, "Blueprints for a Police State", Marjorie Cohn, sets out clearly the role of two key figures in the drafting of a set of memoranda that overturned the most basic protections American citizens had against arbitrary state harassment and violence, effectively turning the U.S. into a police state. Cohn has consistently recorded former administration of George W. Bush's violations of some of the most fundamental laws protecting civil liberties. So, we must ask: What is law? And is the U.S. a country based on laws? Clearly, 'law' has many aspects, and there are different kinds of laws. There is contract law, property law, trust law, tort law, and criminal law>>>


History for youth

"Ancient Iran" on its way into public libraries in North America

16-Mar-2009 (one comment)
When the idea of producing high quality books for young readers about Iranian history and culture was conceived, one of the first and most important goals was to get these books into public and school libraries in North America. For many reasons beyond the scope of discussion here and despite the importance of Iran in the world stage for centuries, Iranian history does not have its rightful place amongst the history of civilizations. When the book was first published, my daughter sent a copy of “Ancient Iran” to her Professor of Ancient Near Eastern studies at our local University. The response was “Great, I did not know Iran was this fascinating, maybe I should include some topics from Iran in my course”.>>>

Train Wreck

Anonymous Observer

Khatami Withdraws His Candidacy

recommended by Anonymous Observer
16-Mar-2009 (13 comments)


مستضعفان! دوباره با شما کار دارند

ميرحسين موسوی خود را آماده می کند تا در خرداد ماه آينده، با بوسيدن دست رهبر و ولی فقيه، ناخدای کشتی در گل فرو رفتهء حکومت اسلامی شود

16-Mar-2009 (17 comments)
کاملاً معلوم است که اوضاع کشور، بخاطر بی لياقتی ها، فساد فراگير و ماجراجوئی های ابلهانهء کابينهء محمود احمدی نژاد، رفته رفته شکل اوضاع دوران جنگ را بخود گرفته و فقر و بینوائی به سرعت جامعه را در خود می کشد، بی آنکه از آن درآمد باد آوردهء دوران خاتمی و بخصوص احمدی نژاد چيزی باقی مانده باشد. ميرحسين موسوی، بعنوان متخصص ادارهء دوران عسرت، خود را آماده می کند تا در خرداد ماه آينده، با بوسيدن دست رهبر و ولی فقيه، ناخدای کشتی در گل فرو رفتهء حکومت اسلامی شود. در اين ميان، و بعنوان «دشت اول»، نکتهء جالب آن است که او، در همين اعلاميهء اعلام نامزدی خود، می کوشد تا به مضامين اوليهء آنچه «انقلاب اسلامی» ناميده می شود برگردد و خود را ناجی مستضعفانی نشان دهد که تعدادشان اکنون ده ها برابر بيش از دوران رژيم سابق شده و هر لحظه نيز بر شمارشان افزوده تر می شود. >>>


16-Mar-2009 (one comment)
کود نوشته هایم را
بر ریشهء باورها میریزم
و در اطاقکی گسترده به جنگل
نقب می زنم از گذشته تا حال

آه که کرم عمر
چه بی رحمانه آرزوهایم را پوسانده است! >>>

End of AIPAC?


Is This Last Gasp for the Israel Lobby and the Neocons?

AlterNet / Robert Dreyfuss
recommended by capt_ayhab
16-Mar-2009 (30 comments)