Green Skies (2)

“To the unidentified F-14 pilots... I have been ordered to find, and if necessary destroy you."

06-Mar-2010 (12 comments)
Inside the cockpit of an Iran Air Boeing 727, two pilots are quietly maneuvering the passenger plane through the night sky. Captain Shahram Nasseri and his copilot Payman Izadi try to busy themselves with routine cockpit chores, but their tension is clearly visible. They exchange nervous glances at one another. Every few seconds, one of the men looks at his window to look at the two fighter escorts that are flanking them on both sides. Izadi’s headset is lowered and is hanging lose around his neck. A voice can be heard trying to repeatedly hail the flight. It’s an airport tower>>>

What's the hurry? Stay home for a while!


Iran bars Karoubi son from traveling to UK: website

Reuters / Fredrik Dahl
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همه سبزها بر زد رژیم سیاه

You fabricate, we fabricate, what's the big deal!


Iran's Ahmadinejad calls Sept 11 "big fabrication"

Reuters / Ramin Mostafavi and Hashem Kalantari
recommended by acopier101
06-Mar-2010 (one comment)

Two university students arrested

Parvaneh A. Farid

Two university students deprived of the right to enroll at University, arrested;
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Iran sending a message to Russia

Iran gives Russia pilots two months to leave: report

Reuters / Reuters
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Israel closer to a major rift with the US?

Differences Emerging Between Israel And US Over Iran

The Bulletin / The Bulletin
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Watch how Israeli settlers run over a Palestinian

Video: A zionist settler run over a Palestinian- Un colon sioniste écrase un Palestinien.

Aljazeera / Aljazeera
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06-Mar-2010 (one comment)
Darius Kadivar
When the IRI Think Tank get together on this website to speak about the Right to their Freedom of Speach and submit their views as to the virtues of democracy it can be summed up to something like this. Please Be Tolerant and Respect Their Opinion ! >>>

The biggest concentration camp ever created, GAZA

Blockade turns Gaza into "big open air prison": UN humanitarian chief

Xinhuanet / Xinhuanet
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06-Mar-2010 (12 comments)
Iran Bans St. Patrick's Day Parade and 4-Shanbeh Souri Celebrations! >>>



Excerpt form "The Age of Orphans"

A girl with a basket of onions on my hip. That is how they find me. I walk alone beside the field, under the skies of late summer, my shawl slipping to my shoulders. They come, two men on two horses, at full gallop. When they see my skin tanned from the sun and my eyes greener than the onions stalks in my arms, they slow and stop, one to stare and the other to ask. Are you Agha Barzani’s girl? I nod. Just as much as these onions are his onions I am the Agha’s girl I want to say. >>>
Darius Kadivar
An Interview with the Shah's Son by Christoph Lehermayr ( about the Mullah Regime, its atom bomb, his succession to the throne and his image of Austria. (Austrian Equivalent of French Point de Vue Magazine ) >>>

بی رحمی و شقاوت



چیزی که توجه زن را جلب کرد، نگاه خیره و شیفتۀ او در آخرین لحظه بود

زن هر روز ماشینش را در یک کوچه بن‌بست پارک می‌کرد و حدود سه دقیقه پیاده می‌رفت تا به محل کارش برسد. هوا ابری بود. زن فکر کرد:«امروز حتماً بارون میاد.» در میانۀ راه، مردی را دید که به سویش می‌آید؛ انگار که درخواستی دارد. به چند قدمی هم که رسیدند، با شنیدن صدای آژیر پلیس، مرد لحظه‌ای سرِ جایش ایستاد، خیره به زن نگاه کرد، سپس ناگهان برگشت و با سرعت از او دور شد>>>