29-May-2008 (2 comments)

 Tabnak: "Arab regime is supplying Emarate with Gravel,Soil and sand needed to build it,s 40 artificial islands on Persian Gulf".Now even Iranian soil is being shipped along it,s slave women to build the Arab wonderland.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez
29-May-2008 (11 comments)
How are prejudices  developed? >>>
Speaking about what the banks and people are doing to control the rate of inflation. >>>
29-May-2008 (7 comments)
Soccer Fans speaking about the price of tickets and poor condition of food before the Persepolis/Sepahan Championship Game. >>>
29-May-2008 (3 comments)
فرهاد ثابتان، سخنگوی جامعه بين المللی بهائيان، در گفت وگو با راديو فردا ضمن تائيد خبر دستگيری اين افراد گفت: علت دستگيری، اقدام آنان برای به خاکسپاری اموات شان در ويلاشهر بوده است.>>>
29-May-2008 (24 comments)
To clarify what we might want >>>
29-May-2008 (12 comments)

The excellent website ( has few articles regarding Amir Taheri's work experience and point of view regarding a possible US invasion of Iran:

SCE Campaign
29-May-2008 (5 comments)
Journalists, writers, scholars, women’s rights and community activists were subject to arbitrary arrest, travel bans, closure of their NGOs and harassment >>>
Darius Kadivar
29-May-2008 (2 comments)
Singer Chris de Burgh said in Iran on Wednesday that his plans to hold concerts in the Islamic Republic sprang purely from a desire to sing for ordinary people. >>>
Amil Imani
29-May-2008 (17 comments)
Slavery, making one human the property of another, was widely practiced in the past by many societies. Regrettably, even in the 21st Century, the horrid practice continues in certain areas, most notably among Muslims. >>>
28-May-2008 (3 comments)
I don't know if it gets any sadder than this. >>>
I am astonished at the explosion in the number of blogs and activity on this site. >>>
Another sleepless night from life after Espresso,,,,,,>>>
28-May-2008 (3 comments)
a true moghaled >>>
SCE Campaign

جوان متهم به قتلي که به خاطر حضور دو وکيل قلابي در جلسه محاکمه اش از حق دفاع قانوني محروم شده بود براي دومين بار در آستانه اجراي حکم قصاص قرار گرفت