Bad news for Iranians


by Fred

Here are some basic, mostly noncontroversial, publically known facts:

1-IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, has had over a two decades long secret dual purpose full cycle nuke program.

2-The said program was in direct violation of letter and spirit of the so called NPT, the non-proliferation treaty which IRR is a signatory to.

3-In 2002, the secret IRR nuke program was revealed to the clueless world by MKO, an Iranian opposition group.

4-IRR has been hard at work modifying and extending the range of its North Korean designed missiles which are capable of carrying nuke warhead.

5-IRR’s nuke file was send to U.N. Security Council which has placed IRR under three sets of sanctions for refusing to freeze its nuclear enrichment activity at its single publically known enrichment plant at Natanz.

6-The spent fuel rods from the heavy-water Qatran complex at Khondab near Arak is nearly perfect for use in nuclear detonation device.  

There is also a long list of cat and mouse cases in which IRR procurement agents/front companies have been caught red-handed trying to purchase strictly controlled equipment or parts some of which have nuke application.

Now comes the revelation of yet another till now secret nuke plant which IRR has also fessed up to. This complex is apparently designed to house approximately 3000 centrifuges, which is not large enough to have any commercial application but perfect for secretly producing enough enriched material for one nuclear bomb per year.

If one were to accept U.S. intelligence’s assertion that for “years” it has known about the this latest secret nuke facility near Qom and has been tracking its progress, a clear violation of NPT by IRR, then the obvious question is why the waiting?

Given there are no concerted efforts by the sane world to weaken the IRR through rigorous sanctions, except U.S. most having thriving commercial dealings with IRR.

Given the absence of concerted material and moral support to beleaguered democracy advocates inside Iran by the sane world.

Given the fact that despite IRR’s bluster, its conventional military equipments are antiquated, lacking a credible air force, navy or mechanized ground capabilities, its only response to external threats will be through terrorist acts and by use of its terrorist proxies in all corners of the world.

And given the three decades of public pronouncements to wipe a member state of UN off the map by successive leaders including rank and file of IRR, the probability of a preemptive strike to delay the IRR nuke capability by Israel is very high.

There is no mistake about it, yesterday’s pronouncement by President Obama who was flanked on each side by leaders of France and Britain followed up by yet another feckless deadline, this one in December, was not good news for Iranian democracy advocates.

It seems instead of charting a response the sane world is continuing the rolling of the dice with IRR opting for wait and see policy.

Before it is too late, to avoid a conflagration which once started will quickly spread, the sane world needs to empower enslaved Iranians by airtight sanctions on the IRR and openly siding with people of Iran helping them with material support to overthrow this Islamist world menace



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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Doc StrangeloveIII

by Fred on

Well Doc you are weaving and bobbing like a good Islamist that you are.

1-your IST reference is not what your Freudian slip says.

In your uncharacteristic momentary truth telling you talk about IRR’s ability to make nuke bomb in short notice, so you are disingenuous about IST reference.


Here compare them side by side and lets see if it is as you claim, capitalization, aka, shouting, is your own. :

“you FIND THE CRUX OF THE ISSUE THING EXACTLY, WORD BY WORD. Here is what I said in that article:  

The crux of the issue is not, as Dr. Ciricione states, whether "other nations trust that Iran's program is, as is claimed, peaceful." In the absence of any credible security guarantees, Iranians perceive the capability to enrich uranium as vital for Iran's national security (a la North Korea). But such a capability would make Iran, a large country with rich resources located in the most strategic area of the world, unattackable, a prospect not acceptable to the US. Now, that is the REAL crux of the issue.”


“exactly” Doc, “word by word” Doc? Come on you are capable of better than this sort of transparent lie.


And your Freudian slip:

“The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone(SIC) of the Middle East. “

2- What happened to your MKO-Israel claim?

The rest of your debunked claims have already been mentioned and true to form you are ignoring.

Take care Doc.



Fact checking, part III: Still do not get it

by Mammad on

For you and the rest to see, look at the following reference:

Issues in Science and Technology, volume XXII, pp. 11-12 (Summer 2006).

IST is published by the National Academy of Sciences. You know what the NAS is? The most important science organization in the US, and one of the most important in the entire world.

Back in 2006, the IST asked me to write about Iran's nuclear program. In the above reference, you FIND THE CRUX OF THE ISSUE THING EXACTLY, WORD BY WORD. Here is what I said in that article:

The crux of the issue is not, as Dr. Ciricione states, whether "other nations trust that Iran's program is, as is claimed, peaceful." In the absence of any credible security guarantees, Iranians perceive the capability to enrich uranium as vital for Iran's national security (a la North Korea). But such a capability would make Iran, a large country with rich resources located in the most strategic area of the world, unattackable, a prospect not acceptable to the US. Now, that is the REAL crux of the issue.

There! You have it. 2-3 years BEFORE MY SUPPOSEDLY SLIP OF TONGUE! Come back with another nonsense! You want me to put it in my next article for Tehran Bureau? I'll be happy to do it!!!!!!

You just do not get it. As usual you come back with a mumbo jumbo. As usual, you do not think straight, if you do at all. As usual, your goal is not to debate, rather throwing mud at people, stating nonsense, accusing people baselessly, acting extremely arrogant while knowing very little, if anything, and having no track record of any achievement that can at least explain why you are so arrogant! 

I am not suprised! Your type is like that. I'll be surprised, if you behaved otherwise!

The rest of your mumbo jumbo is not even worth reading, let alone responding. You are hopeless, full of hatred!!



It's is very important

by Abarmard on

To first clearly indicate what is the law, and then discuss whether Iran has violated any of them.

That would be the core of the issue here.

Fouzul Bashi

Fred/Effat khanoum, just answer this!

by Fouzul Bashi on

 Instead of hiding under Effat's skirt and bad-mouthing, Just answer this. I repeat:

What NPT rules and guidelines has Iran violated?

You have no fig leaf left to cover your bi-effati, have you? loooool




سست عفتی


قالتاقاش زود دست خودشون را رو میکنند. بالام جان یک رأس شخصیت اینترنتی برای ابراز عقیده کفایت میکنه و وقتی به چند شخصیتی رو میآوری دلیل مستدل بر سست عفتی عقیده است.

Fouzul Bashi

roo keh nist!

by Fouzul Bashi on

You frowned and wriggled and frothed at the mouth but left out an important question:

What is it in NPT guidelines that you claim Iran has violated?!  Iran informed the IAEA about this plant within the legal timeframe before introducing nuclear material into the plants.  That is, it has acted exactly in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the NPT. 

Where is the violation there?!  Any violation is in your head ;)


Grandpa Islamist

by Fred on

“The rest of your "piece" (of you know what) is as worthless as your claims of being Iranian.”


Islamist Grandpa when are you going to learn that you Islamists do not have the right to dispossess people of their birthplace?  

Whether you, your Islamist Rapist brethrens ruling over Iran Like it or not I was born there and that is something you can’t do a thing about.

Now go and take couple of Islamist wedding photographs.


Iran is not violating anything

by Q on

Sorry Fred, you lose this time. You and your Israeli friends aren't going to get to see any Iranians be bombed today.

The rest of your "piece" (of you know what) is as worthless as your claims of being Iranian.


Go ahead shower with your lame excuses and personal attacks.


Iran factgirl

by Fred on


It seems you are an opponent of airtight sanction and do not see any utility in it except hurting Iranian citizens. That is your opinion and as such is not only your right to have such opinion it is worthy of respect. I do not agree with you and FYI among many others nor does the personal representative of one of the “green movement” leaders. Makhmalbaf, the overseas representative of Musavi has on number of occasions, one in the European Parliament, asked for exactly the same thing.

As to airtight sanction and helping Iranian people being as you put it “logically and logistically flawed” I do not follow. S. Africa and many other liberated nations have had varying degrees of the same formula, sanction and helping opposition with material and moral support to overthrow their tyrants.

What logically and logistically does not make any sense is to want unfettered economic, diplomatic and all other sorts of relations with a barbaric tyranny and yet expect it to be overthrown. That is if the goal is to have it overthrown.

 If the goal is to play the musical chair and have a go at this experiment in “reform” for eight years and that experiment for yet another “reform’ all within the confines of the same tyranny that is entirely another story. In that situation I do agree with you that airtight sanction and helping the enslaved with material support does not make sense.

But since we have had eight years of “pragmatism” under billionaire Rafsanjani, eight years of “reforms” under the smiley which adds up to sixteen years, I think it is safe to say this Islamist Rapist Republic is immune to pragmatism and reform and needs to be overthrown before if imposes another war on Iranian nation and the region. Take care.


Doc Strangelove II

by Fred on

Doc we’ve been down this road before. As an Islamist and a self proclaimed “world renowned scientist” at that you think twisting words will get you what you want, well when it does for Ahmadinejad, it will do the same for you too.

What you just said about your “crux” statement is a flat out lie and besides I asked if you would make your Freudian slip VERBATUM in the inaugural nonsense essay for the Frontline backed site. Now if you don’t want to do that, I understand since it cramps your style, lying about the peaceful nature of your IRR full cycle illegal nuke is a hallmark of your nuke lobbying.

I’m not going to bother with lot of your Islamist nonsense but three of them I briefly restate.

1-The way you answered my reminding you not to use quotation marks when you can’t cite the source. In the past you have been calling me all sorts of names, at times bordering on loutish ways your Islamist brethrens do in IRR, none has bothered or the future ones that you might use will ever do bother me a bit. But when you call me expert and put expert in quotation mark that simply means I’ve used that designation for myself. I asked you to be wary of that sort of Islamist sleight of in your case keyboard for with wider audience due to Frontline financial, editorial backing will come more scrutiny of the kind you don’t take well.

2-You made a statement about MKO and said they have been the conduit for Israel in revealing your IRR’s two decades long illegal full cycle nuke back in 2002, an identical charge which your IRR makes. I asked you to prove it and what you come up with? Bubkes!  

3-I had not made any factual misrepresentation of the Arak heavy-water complex as you said that I had.


Finally Doc if you really mean it and do know what all people think, which apparently you do or you would not make such a sweeping statement as:

“No one, least of all me, gives a hoot to what you think about my articles or my opinion.”

Then, as I’ve asked you before, why do you bother with what I say when you don’t give a hoot and know that no one else does either?

Doc just like your nonsense essays and nuke lobbying for the Islamist rapists, your responding to someone who no one gives a hoot about does not make any sense.

Doc you do this all the time, make nonsense statements and when you are challenged on it you Islamistly squirm out of it by twisting words.

Contrary to what you say; “Two, I do not receive a penny for my contributions to the Tehran Bureau-Frontline. So, your insinuation about "finanmcial backing" is baseless, and just goes to show your anger about Tehran Bureau-Frontline association. I contribute what I can as my contribution to the my native land.”

I do have high hopes for the new venture and do very much appreciate what Frontline is doing. All I did was to warn you that with wider audience come more people like me who catch you in your Islamist lies every single time.

And lastly all I said about Frontline was:

“Knowing the site which is posting his creative essays is about to be backed financially and with editorial help by the Frontline program, couple of friendly advice to Dr. Strangelove who should know with wider audience comes more scrutiny and not just the groupie sycophants he is used to:”

And here is NY Times news item about it:

“Frontline” is essentially taking Tehran Bureau under its wing by financing and hosting the Web site and providing editorial support. The bureau will help shape a coming “Frontline” program about Iran. A revamped site is expected to be in place Friday.”



Now I dare you Doc to go and make the same nonsense charge you made against me and make it against NYT and tell them your sources are the same vast network of contacts and relatives all over Iran which you had previously told NYT.

Islamist liars never learn.  



Checking the facts, part 2

by Mammad on

You did not dispute almost any of my fact checking!!! That is good and dandy. You are making progress in that respect!

But, you are going backward in other respects. Your response is a mumbo jumbo madenning mixture of chaotic "thinking," jumping from NIOC, to Frontline, to "crux of the issue" thing, etc., etc., etc. What do they have to do with what I said? 

Gather your thoughts together. Try to think coherently. Imagination is great, but only to the extent that they do not make your world unreal!!

Only you, in your fantasies, believe that I had a "slip of the tongue" when I said

"The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone(SIC) of the Middle East. “

To the contrary, I have been saying this for years. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of the nuclear technology knows that. Even in my assessment of your "facts" I said any nuclear technology is dual use. That means it can be used for peaceful purposes, or non-peaceful purposes.

X-ray technology is dual use. MRI and NMR are dual use. Civilian airliners are dual use, because they can transport soldiers and weapons!! Even banks are dual use: You can use them for legitimate needs, or you can use them to launder money, or "wash" dirty money. The point is, you constantly say "dual use." That means nothing.

It is you who contradicts himself all the time in your uncontrollable impluse for responding. You are so paralyzed by your baseless hatred toward people like me that have lost any capability, if you ever had any, to read and digest things properly and rationally.

On Friday September 18, 2009, at an international conference at USC, I gave a speech on Iran's nuclear program. In it (it is on its site at USC site and can be seen by anybody) I said,

Uranium enrichment is NOT economical for Iran. But, what has made it important [to Iran's leaders] is its national security dimension.

There, you have it! Publicly! On Friday October 2, at another conference, this time at the University of Illinois in Urabana, I'll be saying exactly the same thing!! How many times is it enough for you?

Only you seem not capable of seeing the difference between the capability for doing something, and actually doing it. Only you seem incapable of understanding the difference between facts on the ground and "intentions." As Mohammed ElBaradei said, "The IAEA cannot measure the intention of a nation. It can only deal with solid, hard facts on the ground."

Likewise, engineer scientists like me deal only with hard facts on the ground, and there is no evidence, based on the IAEA reports, that the IRI is trying to make the bomb. Now, does that mean that there is no intention either? Of course not, but that cannot be measured until it is actually materialized. This is what people like me have been saying, mostly because we would like to prevent a catastrophic war that will not be even in Israel's interests.

Now, regarding Frontline and your typical insinuation, and as they say in Iran, "baraaye tanvir afkaar-e omoomi:"

First, Frontline is a highly respected organization. I am proud to be associated with it.

Two, I do not receive a penny for my contributions to the Tehran Bureau-Frontline. So, your insinuation about "finanmcial backing" is baseless, and just goes to show your anger about Tehran Bureau-Frontline association. I contribute what I can as my contribution to the my native land.

Three, my articles about Iran, whether about its nuclear program or about what is happening in Iran, have received the recognition that they have, because they are objective, balanced, and informative.

You don't agree? Be my guest! No one needs your approval. No one cares about your approval. No one, least of all me, gives a hoot to what you think about my articles or my opinion. Only you, in your fantasies, believe that you "counter" me here! I do not look over my shoulders when I write an article, because your "counter" me here. I do what I believe in, no matter what people like you think.

You did say, "Fortunately, IRI still does not have the bomb, and so it can still be overthrown." Baraaye tanvir-e afkaar-e omoomi, please clarify what you meant!!

Finally, what would you like me to call you, or refer to yoy, if not as expert, or "expert"? Fred? I'll do, when you begin calling me with my name! Otherwise, it is only fair to have the same freedom as you do in calling people what you wish!! 



I'm the Iranfact girl

by naj on


You end your analysis with

Before it is too late, to avoid a conflagration which once started will quickly spread, the sane world needs to empower enslaved Iranians by airtight sanctions on the IRR and openly siding with people of Iran helping them with material support to overthrow this Islamist world menace

How is "airtight" sanctioning of IRR and "helping them with material support" fit in one solution? This is logically and logistically flawed!!

The overthrowing of Islamic World Menace with sanctions???!! 

Sanctions HURT ORDINARY PEOPLE ... set your priorities straight! Sanctions are what are going to cripple our democracy movements! And your hard facts ... well they are not really that hard--chanting death to this and that while insisting to shake hands with then (in case of USA) or dealing with them in public (like with Russia) or private (like with Israel during Iran-Iraq war) is hardly wiping nations off the map!!




Mola Nasredeen

"first we sanction them, then we embargo them, then we provoke

by Mola Nasredeen on

them, then we attack them, then we devide them, then we rule them. Sweet dreams. Iranians are wise people, are awakened people, are independent people. They have been observing the disater brought to natives by invading forces. Iran is not Iraq and Islamic Republic of Iran is not Saddam's Kingdom.

No thanks,



 Thanks Fred.   Mr.

by vildemose on

 Thanks Fred.


Mr. Mammad: What do you think of the IRANFACTs blogs conjectures?




iranfacts blog

by Fred on

The blogger’s conjecture is as good as any. There are too many known important hard facts with devastating consequences to grapple with.

Knowing what the assembly of Islamist experts or a double dealing billionaire head of one of the IRR branches had to do with this that or other, although entertaining, is low on the scale of my priorities as source of reliable news or importance. take care.


In fact I think the

by vildemose on

In fact I think the probability of attacking Iran increases as the IRR gets closer to its first nuke test detonation.

I think the probability of regime change  is increasing even more...Stand by, we're in for a bumpy ride!lol


Dear Fred Thank you for

by vildemose on

Dear Fred Thank you for taking the time and replying promptly.

Here is the most   palusible analysis I've read so far. Tell me what you think. Thanks.




"unattackable" IRR

by Fred on

I’ve never subscribed to the notion that Iran will become “unattackable”. That is the Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies’ line. In fact I think the probability of attacking Iran increases as the IRR gets closer to its first nuke test detonation.

But I am of the opinion that once the IRR goes nuke the Islamists will be like their missile supplier N.Korea and the world and enslaved Iranians have to kiss the idea of life without the Islamist cancer good bye for the foreseeable future.

 Besides Saudis, Jordanians, the Egyptians and all the little Persian Gulf fiefdoms have begun their preliminary nuke sniffing.  

Once the region where a whole lot of people are forced to live a fifteenth and at best nineteenth century life style goes nuke, all the development money badly needed for improving lives will be wasted on nuke.

Iran needs nuke like a bullet in the head; we have ample sun, wind, geothermal energy sources, oil and gas.  There are many vast areas in Iran that are not touristy which make one ashamed of even breathing for compatriots are forced to live in absolute inhuman poverty  while their birth rights entitles them to much better which Iran is capable of providing them.

 The Freudian slip by Dr Strangelove, his “crux” statement says it all, IRR's ability to quickly assemble a nuke bomb is the goal and the rest just song and dance nonsense.

Ps. I don't know how IRR knew what West knew, may be Doc

with all his claimed contacts in IRR would know. 



Question: How did the

by vildemose on

Question: How did the Islamic Republic discover that the West knew about it's Quom enrichment facilities? Who told them?


Fred: why do you think Iran

by vildemose on

Fred: why do you think Iran becomes unattackable if they get a few nukes? I think you're wrong. It will increase the liklihood of being attacked. SA and Jordan are already in negotiation to go nuclear.

How do you know Iran already doesn't have that capability?

Mola Nasredeen

Freddy boy, you're wasting your time with your idea of "pushing

by Mola Nasredeen on

air tight sanctions". No amount of sanctions can hurt the Iranian gonvernment without hurting the Iranian people hundreds times more. Iranian people inside and outside of Iran will not be fooled by these "humanitarian jestures" from you. Don't cry for Iran and Iranians they'll take care of themselves as long as they can keep creeps like you away.



by Fred on

I said: “The spent fuel rods from the heavy-water Qatran complex at Khondab near Arak is nearly perfect for use in nuclear detonation device.” 


Here is the Islamist nuke lobbyist’s take on it:

    “There is no reactor near Arak, and it is not yet clear when there will be one. A heavy-water reactor is under construction there, and when it becomes operational by 2011 at the earliest, it will be safeguarded by the IAEA. In fact, the IAEA just visited it and reported that even the vessel of the reactor is not installed!! See the latest IAEA report on Iran.  

Here, the "expert" wants us to believe that there is already a reactor near Arak, and is producing spent fuel (I am certain he does not know what the spent fuel is; otherwise, he would not have made the statement!!).”


At no time there is any mention of a reactor at Arak, complex was used intentionally and there is no mention of it being operational.  At present the IRR has NO known operating nuke reactors anywhere in Iran, and that is yet another reason to worry about a vicious Islamist regime which has NO operational nuke reactors but spends unbelievable amount of treasure and political capital to have “fuel” for the nonexistent reactor(s).  

The information about the spent rods from heavy-water reactor, the used up fuel, is accurate as being the best type for reprocessing for nuke detonation device something that even the Islamist nuke lobbyist can’t deny.

The rest of the Islamist nuke loving lobbyist’s mini-essay is of the same quality, in a word not that accurate.

Knowing the site which is posting his creative essays is about to be backed financially and with editorial help by the Frontline program, couple of friendly advice to Dr. Strangelove who should know with wider audience comes more scrutiny and not just the groupie sycophants he is used to:

1-never put anything in quotation mark as coming from an individual when you can’t back it up. For example in your mini-essay you refer to me, Fred, as the expert with expert in the quotation mark. Go ahead and cite where and when I, Fred, has ever referred to myself as an “expert”.

2-Dr. Strangelove repeats his Islamist Rapist Republic’s line of:” Item 3: Israel provided the intelligence to MKO, but nothing is said about it! Good thing the MKO - an IslamiSt organization and Israel collaborator - is not clueless!”  Go ahead Doc prove what you say that MKO was a conduit for Israel, and no neither your IRR including brother Shariatmadari nor your many contacts that you tell NY Times that you have all over Iran do not pass as proof.


If Doc’s legal/nuclear/missile/…. knowledge is anything like the way he has interpreted what I’ve said, he should not let go of his NIOC paid for day job.


Here is my answer your legitimate question of what I mean by material help to the Iranian people to overthrow your Islamist brethrens.

Unlike what you think and say that by material support I might be meaning “bombs” that is furthest from what my ideas are. You see Doc unlike the help in the your Islamist jargon which means helping murderers and rapists to do more murder and rape a la your IRR’s help to murderous Hezbollah and Hamas, what I have in mind is civilized.

 Iranians do not kill or rape as do your Islamist brethrens; they are valiantly struggling to get rid of your IRR by the most possible honorable methods.

By help I mean strike funds for the Iranian oil workers who as it is are on the verge of starvation. It is not that the West is not doing that for a certain segment of the IRR already, how about extending that to sectors which are not into reincarnation of the IRR.

By material help I mean making available again the non-traceable email and other communication methods including internet connection via satellite to the beleaguered Iranian democracy advocates.

By material help I mean while making the dual life of the IRR officials who have a set of home, wife and children in the West and one in Iran impossible to continue, make it financially possible for Iranian opposition to travel outside to the free world and back to Iran outside the control of the IRR.  This way they can be trained on how best and with the least cost of life to overthrow the IRR by their western peers who have just successfully defeated their own tyrants and are now living in full-fledged democracies and do volunteer their services.

The list is long but your charlatan Shariati stupor does not allow any of it to register, it is the survival of the IRR that is the goal for your bunch.

Lastly, Doc, would you mind publishing verbatim your “crux” statement in your inaugural nonsensical essay in the Frontline backed site?

 For your convenience here it is:

“The crux of the issue about Iran's nuclear program is, in my opinion, as follows: If Iran has the ability to make the bomb on a short notice, it becomes unattackable. That is not something that the US and Israel can tolerate. They want to be the hegemone(SIC) of the Middle East. “



Checking the Facts:

by Mammad on

The "expert" has gotten practically all the "facts" wrong.

First of all, note how the "expert" calls the entire world clueless. Truth has been revealed to him only. The rest of the world is clueless. As for the "facts:" 

Item 1: The "expert" propagates the notion that there are two types of nuclear program and technology: One with a single use, one with dual use!! I have some "shocking" news: Any nuclear program and technology is dual use, as are thousands of other technologies.

A nuclear reactor is a nuclear bomb that releases its energy slowly, but the mechanisms of energy release in both the bomb and reactor are PRECISELY the same. This is NOT a revelation, nor does it add anything to any "debate." 

Item 2: Totally wrong, which goes to show, speaking of clueless people, how clueless he is. Once again, I have news for you: The construction of the Natanz facility was not against NPT, nor was it a violation of Iran's Safeguards Agreement.

Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements of the Safeguards Agreement required Iran to let the IAEA know the EXISTENCE of a nuclear facility 180 DAYS BEFORE THE INTRODUCTION OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS INTO THE FACILITY. That was done properly.

Here, the "expert" thinks that, just because he says so, it is so!

Item 3: Israel provided the intelligence to MKO, but nothing is said about it! Good thing the MKO - an IslamiSt organization and Israel collaborator - is not clueless!

Item 4: There is no evidence that Iran has any missile that can carry nuclear warhead. Going from a conventional missile to one that can carry a nuclear bomb is a long, tortuous path. The types of fuel for the missiles are different. The re-entry designs for the two are different, etc. There has never been a test that indicates that Iran is close to that kind of technology, or even trying to get one.

Item 5: Iran's dossier was sent to the UNSC illegally. The IAEA had no authority to do so, because under only ONE CONDITION THE DOSSIER CAN BE SENT TO THE UNSC. That is when the IAEA reports that nuclear material has been diverted from peaceful purposes to non-peaceful purpose. The IAEA has certified in EVERY SINGLE REPORT on Iran that the diversion has not taken place. see,

Item 6: There is no reactor near Arak, and it is not yet clear when there will be one. A heavy-water reactor is under construction there, and when it becomes operational by 2011 at the earliest, it will be safeguarded by the IAEA. In fact, the IAEA just visited it and reported that even the vessel of the reactor is not installed!! See the latest IAEA report on Iran.

Here, the "expert" wants us to believe that there is already a reactor near Arak, and is producing spent fuel (I am certain he does not know what the spent fuel is; otherwise, he would not have made the statement!!).

Regarding the Qom facility: As I discussed this afternoon in an article on Tehran Bureau


it is LIKELY that Iran has, for the FIRST time, violated its Safeguards Agreement obligations in a serious manner. It all depends on when the decision was made for constructing the facility, and when the construction began.

The expert who always denies that he is anti-Iran and demands a "proof" of it when he is called as such (never mind that one can ask, since when a person whose main job is throwing mud at people, labeling them, viciously attacking them, giving them disrespectful "names," etc. has entered "proof" into his vocabulary?) demands that,

"the sane world needs to empower enslaved Iranians by airtight sanctions on the IRR and openly siding with people of Iran helping them with material support to overthrow this Islamist world menace."

First of all, which part of the world is sane? Being clueless is tantamount to have no wisdom, no rationale, no anything, and the "expert" already decided that the world has been clueless. So, which part of the world is sane and NOT CLUELESS? 

Secondly, what is "material support" here? Bombs? Bonbs are materials too!!! Please specify the type of materials.

Third, what would "airtight sanctions" do to ordinary Iranians? Who cares, he would say! They will be collateral damage!

Note that this is precisely the same language that all warmongers in the US and elsewhere use.

The IRI has committed so many crimes that one does not need to lie, exaggerate, or state half-baked, half-truths.  



Apocalypse Now Redux! - I asked?

by NOT_AK69 on

Apocalypse Now Redux! - I asked?

Coppola said: "I needed the money.... politics shmalitics" interview on his politics:  //

Mola Nasredeen

"Apocalypse Now!"

by Mola Nasredeen on

Shouted I.

"Wrong Again!" Shouted back Hazrate shotor.

"Haven't you heard the bad news?" Excitedly.

"I have, but have you heard the good news" Said he and started to read to me the articles:

Iran will allow the U.N. nuclear agency to inspect a newly revealed and still unfinished uranium enrichment facility, the country's nuclear chief told state television Saturday.

Salehi, who is also the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said Tehran should be praised, not condemned, for voluntarily revealing the existence of the nuclear facility.

"Under (NPT) rules, we are required to inform the IAEA of the existence of such a facility 180 days before introducing materials but we are announcing it more than a year earlier. Still, we see there is controversy. We are astonished," he said.

And President Obama said "My offer of a serious, meaningful dialogue to resolve this issue remains open," Obama said, urging Tehran to "take action to demonstrate its peaceful intentions."


Daniel Larison has some

by vildemose on

Daniel Larison has some typically insightful observations about all of this, which should be read in their entirety, including this:

Significant Russian cooperation with a sanctions regime would make it more "successful" in that it would isolate Iran more fully, which would at least address part of the practical problem of imposing sanctions on Iran, but this would not lead to the result that sanctions advocates want. Most likely, China would pick up the slack and become even more heavily invested in trade with Iran than it has been. On the contrary, as opponents of sanctions keep saying, a tighter sanctions regime will harm internal political opposition to the regime, increase the political-military establishment’s hold on the economy and cause Iranians to rally behind their government in the face of outside hostility.


At 8:30 am, Obama made the

by vildemose on

At 8:30 am, Obama made the announcement, flanked by Britain’s Gordon Brown and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy in a show of international unity. As Obama spoke, the administration sent out background guidance to Congress and the press with more information on the Qom facility.


“We learned earlier this week that Iran has sent the IAEA a letter indicating that it is constructing an enrichment facility but providing no detailed information that would enable the IAEA to monitor the site,” that White House-provided guidance said. 


Why would the White House have preferred not to publicly disclose its Qom evidence, seemingly something of a smoking gun for the case that Iran hasn’t been transparent about even its current nuclear activities? Why was it only prompted to make the announcement after it learned of Iran’s letter to the IAEA?


“Because the Iranians are trying to get in front and create an argument that they didn't do anything wrong,” the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s George Perkovich told POLITICO. “So to try to block that, Obama had to get [it] out. We would have been better off not announcing and keeping it as leverage and a way to see if the Iranians kept their word in a future deal.”

Read more: //


Why do you think bombing

by vildemose on

Why do you think bombing Iran will enhance the security of Israel in the short and long term??

Does Israel has a death wish like Ahamdinejad?

Mola Nasredeen

"And lets march from Tel Aviv to Tehran to liberate our beloved

by Mola Nasredeen on

oil fields" Said the Vatan Froosh.


Sanctions in this case are ineffective;Marg Bar Jomhuriye Eslami

by NOT_AK69 on

“Secondly, the tactics of our - as you know, we don't have relationships with Iran. I mean, that's - ever since the late '70s, we have no contacts with them, and we've totally sanctioned them. In other words, there's no sanctions - you can't - we're out of sanctions.” - GW Bush