Rosie T.
09-Jun-2008 (10 comments)

So What Are the Benefits? There are many!!!

Rosie T.
03-Jun-2008 (21 comments)
or I Was a Khareji in Blogestaan >>>
Rosie T.
26-Apr-2008 (39 comments)
Well, what did she say? >>>
Rosie T.
22-Apr-2008 (16 comments)
Poem >>>
Rosie T.
20-Jan-2008 (141 comments)
This is why. >>>
Rosie T.
19-Jan-2008 (21 comments)

some things LOOK different but smell the same....

Rosie T.
27-Dec-2007 (62 comments)
This is my response to the blog entitled "Benazir Bhutto" >>>
Rosie T.
23-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
I have learned in these four years since Iran and I had our inevitable meeting that all things come from Light and all to Light return >>>
Rosie T.
11-Nov-2007 (27 comments)

Well it's been I guess about a month since I started posting here>>>