by goozoo (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:42 PM PST
and our second home. canadians are the most beautifull people
i have ever encountered in my life. Canada has done nothing wrong
to iran(unlike america). People like this NA Haji who can't even
write their own name in their native language, who are KOONGOSHAD
and also DOROOGH GOO(if you had worked construction job, you
would have never written this shit), and BISHARAF, always say shit like this. you MOFTKHOR are not entitled to critisize this society ANTAR. before you and your MULLA buddies open your shity mouth,
thousands of people and organizations have talked about problems
in this country. you SENDEH e SAG have to go back to iran.
Confused Alan
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:39 PM PST
Confused Alan;
Now, you changed your name? This is another reason that you are an Ey-ranian. If you were proud of your Persian name, you would use it. I did not choose my name, and I will not change it for any price. I am not going to sell my soul or my country.
Stay where you are, you moftkhoor. I helped many Ey-ranians who cried to fill out their applications to go to Canada. Haeef az my time. Haeef. You went to Canada with nothing? Tell that to Canadians not to me or Haji.
I am not living in Canada or the U.S. I used to live in the U.S., but not any more.
Only haavoon says. . . I have one life to live. So I assume you are a haavoon. Leave Haji alone, he can figure out what to do with his life. He is more honorable than you mooftkhoor wa doorogh ghoo.
Hey Javat Khayam too Labat
by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:39 PM PST
Javat rhymes with Lavat
Javat also rhymes with Khayam too Labat
To :Javad Agha
by Alan (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:22 PM PST
Javad Agha:
-I changed my name because I did not want to have an Arabic name, like Javad, Asghar, Haji, so forth and so on. I guess Javad's name suite your brain too!!
FYI; I also have a pure beautiful Persian name and am proud of it.
-The subject on this blog is Haji Agha, do you have anything to add to my suggestions to help him?. If you do; bring it on, if not, just do not confuse him further.
-I presume you live in US/Canada with a US/Canadian passport, if you are so bitter and hateful, what are you doing here? move on. If you know a better country, or a perfect country, a place that can take you, then go and let us know too, we might follow you.
Please be objective if answering, otherwise do not bother. I have only one life, and that is short, precious and beautiful, do not spoil it if you can not enhance it.
Stop the lies
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 01:13 PM PST
Alan Canadian
Your name suits your brain to be a Canadian.
Stop the lies. In my early days, I helped many Ey-ranians to complete their applications. Do not shoot from your koon that you did not have anything when you came to Canada. I know the Canadian point system.
Enjoy working for companies such as Bloodwater. Your Canadian brothers and sisters are hard at work stealing in Iraq and Afghanistan so that Canada will be a better place for you to live.
You namak nashnas Ey-ranians besides having no moral, are mooftkhoor and tarsoo, now one must add being a hypocrite
To "Just me" and Haji
by Alan (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:20 PM PST
To "Just me", I agree with you, Haji is "Namak Nashnas"
Instead of thanking, at least once, for any subject, doesn't matter what subject, he is always complaining. Every one is to blame, every one is owing him something. His major issue is that he is a closed minded person, he doesn't take criticism as an opportunity for improvement ( wait and see his reply!!.)
As a proud Iranian-Canadian, my family and I worked hard, started from zero and now we have a happy, safe, healthy life. We are appreciating Canadian government and their humanitarian system to shelter us and thousand others as immigrant or refugees, where no one, NO WHERE, could have accommodate us.
To Haji: I think most of your so called cartoons are pro Islamic regime, some times I have the feeling that you are the regime's agent. You are helping them by drawing discriminatory cartoons, similar to what the regime is standing for. You are spreading their propagandas in heart of civilized world FREE of Charge. They must love you dearly.
Haji:Read the news, see the cartoons in Iranian media, read the comments, there are very many more oppositions and critiques in Iran right now, and they are far more critical to the regime than you are here.!. Most of your cartoons/comments are complimentary to the Regime. We do not forget your drawings and comments. Some of your disgraced/tasteless cartoons/comments speak for themselves, and they are available with a click of links in Google/Yahoo.
I think you would be welcomed in Iran as a hero, if you show them your cartoons when you arrive in Khomaini's airport. They would love to see your anti-Canadian comments (specially now that their diplomatic relation is sour for sometimes), anti western life style and I am sure they will print them all in Kayhan's front page. You would be a valuable member of proposed new ministry of " Amre be marouf va Nah y az monkar".
Haji: a few solutions for you:
1-Get a life, correct yourself, put yourself together, be a positive person, be part of solution rather. I have written before, no one can help you except yourself. Do not listen to a few ignorants who encourage you to draw discriminatory , degrading drawings. They are not your true friends.
2-Find another "ideal" country who would accept you and go.
3-Pack and go home, if you feel happier there. BEFORE you go, announce it here, so we can watch your safe arrival; and if you have any problem, there are many NGOs including myself who would be at your side to help you. Chances are you would be very famous;
1) Regime is appreciating your stand against Canada and the western living standards. 2) You would become famous if you are arrested even if it is for a short period of time.
Conclusion: You'd better leave, you are better of.
Well, well . . . these Ey-ranians . . .
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:01 PM PST
Well, well . . . some nutty Ey-ranians again are picking at Hajiagha. You God damned Ey-ranians, as always are speaking from not only both sides of your mouth but also from your koon.
Leave Haji alone. You cannot say Canada is free and Haji cannot speak his mind. You asshole Ey-ranians, WHY Canada was not free for its native people? Similar to the U.S., a bunch of rednecks stole native people’s lands, and now are stealing our countries’ resources. Of course you will be proud of being Canadians or Americans, because you have no dignity and took free education from Iran and benefiting other countries (do not forget how you added up your points to get into Canada.).
Ey-ranians have no morale, they are benefiting from working for companies such as Bloodwater (aka Blackwater). Many Canadian and American companies are selling arms to kill or chemical/poisonous materials to poorer countries to benefit their citizens, no wonder Ey-ranians keep saying these countries are great places to live.
by Anonymous123 (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:27 AM PST
Hajiagha ,
draw a cartoon of
by Anonymousayandehbin (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:52 AM PST
Hajiagha ,
draw a cartoon of sarkosi oh excuse me sarkozi
he is at doctor's office.
Doc why did my wife leave?
You do not know yet? Did you try these viagras?
I did but it did not help maybe she wanted a younger man.
in that case, are you possiblly a semigay?
by just me (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:47 AM PST
Haji, I think even if you had CINDY CRAWFORD as your girlfriend and had BILL GATES' fortune you would still be complaning..people like you will never be are an UNAPPRECIATIVE SON OF A just said it اگر حکومت ایران امنیت من را تا مین کند isn't it enough reason that the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT provides security and peace of mind for you and many others to live in peace ..HAji no government in the world is absolutely perfect..but you can make it different for optimistic, stop filling your head with all this negativity toward the Canadian government..take some action for yourself and your life will change for the better..
BTW..i am a proud Iranian-Canadian and i love this country..
Learn English!
by To Hajiagha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:02 AM PST
Your English is horrible. Put an effort and learn the language.
What the hell is "They are close my account"? Dehati!
To go back to the IR, you are all set as long as you pay
by Khoresht'e Bademjoon (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 08:52 AM PST
$10,000.00 on your arrival at Tehran. You also need to do one more thing! You need to koon bedi be yek Pasdar! I think the first one should not be a problem for you and the second one is probably a piece of cake for you, then you can move back to the Islamic Republic. Most of the contributers to the have gone through this process and can freely travel back and forth to the Islamic Republic.
why I draw this cartoon for Iranian, I am sick about Canada
دیروز رفته بودم تا برای و تا حوان که تازه ازدوح کرده بودند کار تعمیراتی منزل انحام بدهم که دختر خنم حوان ایرانی از کار در آمد و دانشحو هم بود...آنها مبلغ 200.000 هزر دلار زن وشوهر حوان بابت زیر زمین نمار کوچکی که بیشر از 20.000 هزار دلار ارزش نداشت و قسمتی از منزل 70 ساله و ساختمان قدیمی بود خریده بودند...هزین تعمیرات هم برای شان سنگین است من سعی میکنم با پائین ترین قیمت ممکن کرهای تعمیراتی شان راانحام دهم...به قسمت yahoo answer که محل پریدن سئوال است رفتم و در مورد گانی و بی عدالتی در کانادا پرسیدم ..اما yahoo که شرکت سرمایه داری و قسمتی از آن هم کانادائی است ... they are close my account چون سئوال من مربوط به وضعیت حقوق بشر در کانادا و غارت مدم تو سط حکومت بد کانادا and you have news last week ministry of the family and children in Victoria spending over $500.000 money from TAX on office renovation and at same times children and are family in Canada sleeping hunger or when a kids get to school without having breakfast واقعا شرم آور است ما به حکومت ایران ایراد می گیر یم در صورتی که حامعه ای که خودمان در ان زندگی می کنیم شر م آورتر از ایران است...بارها گفته ام اگر حکومت ایران امنیت من را تا مین کند و در ایران بتوانم کار مناسی هم دا شته باشم برای حتی یک لحظه هم در کانا دا نخواهم بود...حکومتی که فساد و بی عدالتی در آن به مراتب بد تر از ایران است...
Canada is the best country in the world
by goozoo (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:42 PM PSTand our second home. canadians are the most beautifull people
i have ever encountered in my life. Canada has done nothing wrong
to iran(unlike america). People like this NA Haji who can't even
write their own name in their native language, who are KOONGOSHAD
and also DOROOGH GOO(if you had worked construction job, you
would have never written this shit), and BISHARAF, always say shit like this. you MOFTKHOR are not entitled to critisize this society ANTAR. before you and your MULLA buddies open your shity mouth,
thousands of people and organizations have talked about problems
in this country. you SENDEH e SAG have to go back to iran.
Confused Alan
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:39 PM PSTConfused Alan;
Now, you changed your name? This is another reason that you are an Ey-ranian. If you were proud of your Persian name, you would use it. I did not choose my name, and I will not change it for any price. I am not going to sell my soul or my country.
Stay where you are, you moftkhoor. I helped many Ey-ranians who cried to fill out their applications to go to Canada. Haeef az my time. Haeef. You went to Canada with nothing? Tell that to Canadians not to me or Haji.
I am not living in Canada or the U.S. I used to live in the U.S., but not any more.
Only haavoon says. . . I have one life to live. So I assume you are a haavoon. Leave Haji alone, he can figure out what to do with his life. He is more honorable than you mooftkhoor wa doorogh ghoo.
Hey Javat Khayam too Labat
by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:39 PM PSTJavat rhymes with Lavat
Javat also rhymes with Khayam too Labat
To :Javad Agha
by Alan (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 02:22 PM PSTJavad Agha:
-I changed my name because I did not want to have an Arabic name, like Javad, Asghar, Haji, so forth and so on. I guess Javad's name suite your brain too!!
FYI; I also have a pure beautiful Persian name and am proud of it.
-The subject on this blog is Haji Agha, do you have anything to add to my suggestions to help him?. If you do; bring it on, if not, just do not confuse him further.
-I presume you live in US/Canada with a US/Canadian passport, if you are so bitter and hateful, what are you doing here? move on. If you know a better country, or a perfect country, a place that can take you, then go and let us know too, we might follow you.
Please be objective if answering, otherwise do not bother. I have only one life, and that is short, precious and beautiful, do not spoil it if you can not enhance it.
Stop the lies
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 01:13 PM PSTAlan Canadian
Your name suits your brain to be a Canadian.
Stop the lies. In my early days, I helped many Ey-ranians to complete their applications. Do not shoot from your koon that you did not have anything when you came to Canada. I know the Canadian point system.
Enjoy working for companies such as Bloodwater. Your Canadian brothers and sisters are hard at work stealing in Iraq and Afghanistan so that Canada will be a better place for you to live.
You namak nashnas Ey-ranians besides having no moral, are mooftkhoor and tarsoo, now one must add being a hypocrite
To "Just me" and Haji
by Alan (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:20 PM PSTTo "Just me", I agree with you, Haji is "Namak Nashnas"
Instead of thanking, at least once, for any subject, doesn't matter what subject, he is always complaining. Every one is to blame, every one is owing him something. His major issue is that he is a closed minded person, he doesn't take criticism as an opportunity for improvement ( wait and see his reply!!.)
As a proud Iranian-Canadian, my family and I worked hard, started from zero and now we have a happy, safe, healthy life. We are appreciating Canadian government and their humanitarian system to shelter us and thousand others as immigrant or refugees, where no one, NO WHERE, could have accommodate us.
To Haji: I think most of your so called cartoons are pro Islamic regime, some times I have the feeling that you are the regime's agent. You are helping them by drawing discriminatory cartoons, similar to what the regime is standing for. You are spreading their propagandas in heart of civilized world FREE of Charge. They must love you dearly.
Haji:Read the news, see the cartoons in Iranian media, read the comments, there are very many more oppositions and critiques in Iran right now, and they are far more critical to the regime than you are here.!. Most of your cartoons/comments are complimentary to the Regime. We do not forget your drawings and comments. Some of your disgraced/tasteless cartoons/comments speak for themselves, and they are available with a click of links in Google/Yahoo.
I think you would be welcomed in Iran as a hero, if you show them your cartoons when you arrive in Khomaini's airport. They would love to see your anti-Canadian comments (specially now that their diplomatic relation is sour for sometimes), anti western life style and I am sure they will print them all in Kayhan's front page. You would be a valuable member of proposed new ministry of " Amre be marouf va Nah y az monkar".
Haji: a few solutions for you:
1-Get a life, correct yourself, put yourself together, be a positive person, be part of solution rather. I have written before, no one can help you except yourself. Do not listen to a few ignorants who encourage you to draw discriminatory , degrading drawings. They are not your true friends.
2-Find another "ideal" country who would accept you and go.
3-Pack and go home, if you feel happier there. BEFORE you go, announce it here, so we can watch your safe arrival; and if you have any problem, there are many NGOs including myself who would be at your side to help you. Chances are you would be very famous;
1) Regime is appreciating your stand against Canada and the western living standards. 2) You would become famous if you are arrested even if it is for a short period of time.
Conclusion: You'd better leave, you are better of.
Well, well . . . these Ey-ranians . . .
by Javad agha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:01 PM PSTWell, well . . . some nutty Ey-ranians again are picking at Hajiagha. You God damned Ey-ranians, as always are speaking from not only both sides of your mouth but also from your koon.
Leave Haji alone. You cannot say Canada is free and Haji cannot speak his mind. You asshole Ey-ranians, WHY Canada was not free for its native people? Similar to the U.S., a bunch of rednecks stole native people’s lands, and now are stealing our countries’ resources. Of course you will be proud of being Canadians or Americans, because you have no dignity and took free education from Iran and benefiting other countries (do not forget how you added up your points to get into Canada.).
Ey-ranians have no morale, they are benefiting from working for companies such as Bloodwater (aka Blackwater). Many Canadian and American companies are selling arms to kill or chemical/poisonous materials to poorer countries to benefit their citizens, no wonder Ey-ranians keep saying these countries are great places to live.
by Anonymous123 (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:27 AM PSTWhatever.........
Hajiagha , draw a cartoon of
by Anonymousayandehbin (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:52 AM PSTHajiagha ,
draw a cartoon of sarkosi oh excuse me sarkozi
he is at doctor's office.
Doc why did my wife leave?
You do not know yet? Did you try these viagras?
I did but it did not help maybe she wanted a younger man.
in that case, are you possiblly a semigay?
by just me (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:47 AM PSTHaji, I think even if you had CINDY CRAWFORD as your girlfriend and had BILL GATES' fortune you would still be complaning..people like you will never be are an UNAPPRECIATIVE SON OF A just said it اگر حکومت ایران امنیت من را تا مین کند isn't it enough reason that the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT provides security and peace of mind for you and many others to live in peace ..HAji no government in the world is absolutely perfect..but you can make it different for optimistic, stop filling your head with all this negativity toward the Canadian government..take some action for yourself and your life will change for the better..
BTW..i am a proud Iranian-Canadian and i love this country..
Learn English!
by To Hajiagha (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 09:02 AM PSTHajiagha,
Your English is horrible. Put an effort and learn the language.
What the hell is "They are close my account"? Dehati!
To go back to the IR, you are all set as long as you pay
by Khoresht'e Bademjoon (not verified) on Sun Nov 11, 2007 08:52 AM PST$10,000.00 on your arrival at Tehran. You also need to do one more thing! You need to koon bedi be yek Pasdar! I think the first one should not be a problem for you and the second one is probably a piece of cake for you, then you can move back to the Islamic Republic. Most of the contributers to the have gone through this process and can freely travel back and forth to the Islamic Republic.
why I draw this cartoon for Iranian, I am sick about Canada
by hajiagha on Sun Nov 11, 2007 07:54 AM PST//
دیروز رفته بودم تا برای و تا حوان که تازه ازدوح کرده بودند کار تعمیراتی منزل انحام بدهم که دختر خنم حوان ایرانی از کار در آمد و دانشحو هم بود...آنها مبلغ 200.000 هزر دلار زن وشوهر حوان بابت زیر زمین نمار کوچکی که بیشر از 20.000 هزار دلار ارزش نداشت و قسمتی از منزل 70 ساله و ساختمان قدیمی بود خریده بودند...هزین تعمیرات هم برای شان سنگین است من سعی میکنم با پائین ترین قیمت ممکن کرهای تعمیراتی شان راانحام دهم...به قسمت yahoo answer که محل پریدن سئوال است رفتم و در مورد گانی و بی عدالتی در کانادا پرسیدم ..اما yahoo که شرکت سرمایه داری و قسمتی از آن هم کانادائی است ... they are close my account چون سئوال من مربوط به وضعیت حقوق بشر در کانادا و غارت مدم تو سط حکومت بد کانادا and you have news last week ministry of the family and children in Victoria spending over $500.000 money from TAX on office renovation and at same times children and are family in Canada sleeping hunger or when a kids get to school without having breakfast واقعا شرم آور است ما به حکومت ایران ایراد می گیر یم در صورتی که حامعه ای که خودمان در ان زندگی می کنیم شر م آورتر از ایران است...بارها گفته ام اگر حکومت ایران امنیت من را تا مین کند و در ایران بتوانم کار مناسی هم دا شته باشم برای حتی یک لحظه هم در کانا دا نخواهم بود...حکومتی که فساد و بی عدالتی در آن به مراتب بد تر از ایران است...