KAZEM: Israel attacks Gaza

03/01/2008 - 11:37


On meaning of words

by Zion on

That is quite hard to believe XerXes for the following reasons:
This is Ahmadinejad`s quote (//

`The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[13]`

First of all, the regime in Iran does not make a distinction between the Israeli Government and the country of Israel, they are both referred to as the Zionist regime or the Zionist entity or as here the regime occupying Jerusalem. That`s because, as I am sure you know, the regime in Iran does not recognize Israel as a country and as a state. Unless you can show evidence that the officials of IRI ever distinguished between the state of Israel and the Israeli government, your version of his speech means the same thing as the eradication of the state of Israel.
Second he is very specifically speaking of what `must be done`, not as you claimed something that will just end up happening by itself. He is quoting his Imam as what muslims should actively pursue and make happen, not a prediction of what would eventually happen by itself. I know this is the kind of spin infamous characters like Juan Cole wanted o give to his remarks but it doesn`t stand the test of detailed analysis.

Furthermore, this was not a single and isolated quotation. He has repeatedly asked for the destruction of Israel, called it a filthy bacteria, as has his Imam Khomeini. It has also got to be seen in the context of speeches by Rafsanjani and others, who directly and openly and officially mused on the costs and benefits of nuking Israel.

I`m afraid the two cases are not comparable.



by XerXes (not verified) on

That's what happened to the quote by Ahmadinejad about wiping Israel off the map. If you listen to his speech he did not mean that Iran or any country would wipe Israel off the map, but rather the wrong Israeli ideologies will end up wiping Israel's existence. It was a figure of speech, similar to what you are defending here!
The western media still today talks about that speech by Ahmadinejad when the issue of Iran raises, knowing that a president in Iran is not a decision maker and he did not mean what they are portraying to their audiences. Let's see if this quote by the Israeli official will be taken out of context or soon be forgotten. Then you see the true prejudice and discrimination of the media! I bet it will be forgotten while the Iranian speech will be coming up every time anyone speaks about Iran.
Hope you understand the frustrations of many Iranians.



by XerXes (not verified) on

That saying is in Qoran, right?


To Yaghub Kohan

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

How can you compare the non-Jews Iranians as poor people, with the Palestinians. As far as I know there are a lot of Kurdish Iranians in Beverly Hills as well as Sherman Oaks. There are also good areas in OC as well. Please don't generalize everyone. That shows your poor education and your ignorance which is not an ordinary Persian’s Jew point of view. We Iranians no matter our ethnicity or religion should learn to live together.


this people are not educated

by Anonymous44 (not verified) on

what is the last time you saw a palistaine guy go to school?


Reply to Yaghub Kohan

by IraniIrooni (not verified) on

I'm not sure if I liked or agreed with your post.

First off, Irvine, CA is NOT a poor area. Second, besides Irvine, many non-jew Iranians (mostly Muslims) live in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Dana Point and other beautiful and even more expensive areas. Third, while most jews may live in Beverly Hills, there are also a lot of rich Muslims that live there. Fourth, I would say that the source of wealth of most Jewish Iranians was actually what they took out of Iran with them before the revolution. While most non-Jews, that came out a bit later, could not bring out all of their cash, nor could they liquidate their assets easily. They have used their high-level of education to become as successful, or more successful and generate more wealth. Fifth, I take it very personally that you compare the Iranians in Orange County (which is where Irvine and the other cities that I cited are; and one of the wealthiest counties in the US) to the poor Palestinians in Palestine.

The non-jew Iranians have always attempted to start a dialogue with the Jews, but not in order to get a job or beg for money; actually its because they are fellow Iranians. Non-jew Iranians don't need to beg for anything, so please do not compare them with the Palestinians.

In the meantime, have fun in your won fantasy world!


UN said, "Zionism=Racism"

by Yaghub Kohan (not verified) on

As an Jewish Iranian American I believe Israel should stop its military strikes against the helpless people of the Gaza Strip. Gaza is filled with a lot of Palestinian Arab Muslims who are poor.

Even in the United States, the Jewish Iranians live in Beverly Hills. The Muslims live in the poor area called Irvine. Furthermore, the Iranian Americans who live in LA also live in the poor areas.

As a Jewish Iranian I believe we as a group should bring about Muslim-Jewish dialog. Economically, Iranian Shia Muslims are similar to the Gazan Palestinian Arabs.

At some point in history Gaza belonged to Egypt. And Farah Diba is an Egyptian Citizen and holds an egyptian passport. Farah Pahlavi should try to promote the peace for her people, the Palestinian Arab Muslims.


This drawing by itself is

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

This drawing by itself is sickening and disturbing.


Did you know who said

by AnonymousoumynonA (not verified) on

Did you know who said this:
The Land may survive with atheisim, it surely can NOT survive by oppression!


Only Jews who went through

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

Only Jews who went through tragedy of holocust in Europe (not the zionists) understand the agony of Palestinians. There's the few oppressors, the many oppressed and the mojority silent. Take a stand and uphold justice for humanity.


Zion, what is the Hebrew term for "Goyim" killed by the Nazis?

by American observer (not verified) on

Dear Zion (aka Hater of "Gentiles"):

You say the word "Shoah" is "used in this form only to
denote the Holocaust of the Jewish people in WWII".

Why is there a special designation for Jews killed by
the Nazis, but the far larger numbers of Christian
civilians in Poland, former USSR, and other conquered
countries killed by the Nazis in WWII is not referred
to as The Holocaust (or Ha-Shoah)? Is it because the
lives of Chosen People bears more value than the all
the other people on the planet whom you consider
"Filthy Goyim", as per the hateful customs of both
Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews?


Wrong Translation

by Zion on

...stinky, I wouldn`t have bothered reply to your Nazi garbage, although it is interesting that you should switch to German to express your love for us and that alone also demonstrate what all this crocodile tears for palestinians actually come from. Anyways, I am only responding because you mentioned the `holocaust` quote in Gaza. That is a despicable and hateful deliberate mistranslation of Hebrew by AP that was picked up and broadcast around the world by the likes of BBC. shoah is Hebrew for catastrophe, Simple as that. What the Israeli official said was that there will be a catastrophe in Gaza if people don`t act soon.
The term used for 'Holocaust' in WWII in modern Hebrew in 'Ha-Shoah` literally , 'THE catastrophe' which is used in this form only to denote the Holocaust of the Jewish people in WWII.
Stop the hatred little boy. For your own sake.


To ignorant Shalomstinky and his friend Iranian America

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

First of all I'm not a separatist but by attacking me it shows your racist character. What comes next? Are you going to call the Baluch, Khuzestani Arabs, Lurs separatist as well. Remember that Iran has only less than 50% Persians. It is racist people like you who create the thought of separatism within the other groups. I believe in federalism. I’m Muslim myself so don't be an hypocrite or judgmental when you can't even read "I didn't say ONLY Jews has been successful.

As for IranianAmerica: Stop spreading your nonsense. I don't know what part of USA your are from, But in CA, Persian Jews, Armenian Persians and iranian Kurds are very friendly to each other. If you need tour I’d be glad to help you and free your mind.


Shalom Goldman - RAUS JUDE! GEH RAUS!

by Shalomstinky (not verified) on

And your stinky fish-eyed people deserve what comes to you every century for thousands of years. there's something about your stinky people that people of other religions and ethnicities just despise, and have done so for thousands of years. then again, you are the special shysters, where you are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. Geh RAUS.


Kurdish Warrior - Accomplished Iranians in US are not all jews!

by Shalomstinky (not verified) on

Are you kidding me? Its actually more the non-jew Iranians in the US that are more highly educated, that teach at Universities, that have started great companies and brands.

You wanna know what most of the Iranian jews do in the US? They fuckin sell cars in Los Angeles. Go to MD, Washington DC, North Carolinia, TX, VA, MA ... and you'll see that only a very small % of Iranians in those areas are jews. And by the way, FYI, its not only the jews that the govt of Iran doesn't like. Millions of Muslim Iranians had to escape because they had supported the Shah or wanted more of a democracy.

No worries kurdish shalom-lover, your dream will come true. As soon as the US or israel attack Iran, there might be a small chance where your kurds will have your own country, your own country to get bombed by Turkey.


Harun - Why "Enough"??? Part II

by Shalomstinky (not verified) on

And don't forget that the hypocritical israel warned of a Palestinian "Shoah" (or holocaust) last week.

And don't forget that even our own Iranian Jews don't like living there. Yes, the Iranian Jews in Los Angeles, the ones that have been to israel only for visit or vacation, think otherwise, but Iranians that have actually lived there, actually prefer living in Iran.


Harun - Why "Enough"???

by Shalomstinky (not verified) on

When its israel that's telling the US to attack Iran, why can't that hypocritical 'country' be talked about? When its israel that's a theocracy just like iran, and violates human rights, why can't that be talked about? When its israel that comes up with 'evidence' of Iraq having WMDs and forces the US to invade Iraq and basically surround Iran, why can't israel be talked about? When its israel that's giving the iranian extremist govt more reason to bark louder and at the same time ignore more important things, why can't israel be talked about? When its those shyster neocons that basically control the govt of the US, why can't or shouldn't israel be talked about? Get real.


Zionist Jews on the Loose

by Observer (not verified) on

The most hated country in the world,
Israel is.
The supposed chosen people have proved to be worse than Changeez, Hitler, and Sadam.
Killing Palestinian children,
elderly in the name of self defence.
You'll be doomed forever the same way Nazi and Mongols were.
Shame on you and your keniving ways that have manipulate the political process in the West.
Shame on you facists.



by Harun (not verified) on

*What* does this have to do with irani culture? Are we like Arabs now who don't talk about anything else but Isreal? FYI Hossein agha or whoever authorized this post, many of us have different opinions on the conflict. Many of us would rather not discuss them here. It's frustrating to think you are going to be checking out what's happening in Iranian-American art and then only find stupid, irrelevant cartoons reminiscent of Arab propaganda. Or are we Arabs now who, do they have weather or sports? NO! Only enough room to print news about Israel! Maybe we should start a site that's just strictly about iroonis and nothing else. Who's with me???!


"Kurdish warrior", Iranian Jews call you a "Dirty Goy"

by IranianinAmerica (not verified) on

I'v heard with my own ears our so-called Iranian Jewish "brothers" calling non-Jews (Muslims, Christians, etc.) "Goyim-e Kasif". They are a nation of thieves. Look at all the thieves and gangsters who came out of Eastern Europe; most of them belong to the "Chosen People". And FYI, many Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, because these people have no sense of ethics.


20 Palestinian civilians killed for every Israeli killed.

by Mehri (not verified) on

According to BBC statistics, in recent years 20 Palestinian civilians have been killed for every Israeli killed.


God bless the Persian Jews..

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

This animation is a disgrace to Iranian nation. Why are some Iranians still defending palestine???? IRI's pay check or just ignorant. I'm neither Persian nor Jew but I'm proud of what Persian Jews has achieved in USA who has changed ordinary American’s point of view of Iran (that most of us are not what they portray on news). Hopefully on day all Iranians no matter their ethnicity and religion can enjoy their freedom.


حاجی مالیدی!

Malidi! (not verified)

حاجی آقا مالیدی سه دمت:
صبح و ظهر و عصر!


Am Yisrael Chai

by Zion on

VoiceOfMankind, My ignorant friend, more than 90% of Jews who went through Nazi camps and survived came out free, brave and devout Zionists. It is their courage and sacrifices, more than anyone and anything else, that has made the independence of Israel, their true home, possible. It is their courage and that of sons and daughters that they brought up that keeps Israel alive, strong and free despite all odds and all the savage barbarity that surrounds her.
Am Yisrael Chai.


How many have Israelis killed?

by Zion on

Anonymous8, how many `rock throwing kids` have Israel ever killed?
For your information, what palestinians have been throwing in Israel are rockets, smuggled from Iran or Syria and Egypt, who kill people, including school children. The other thing they do is blow themselves up in explosives with nails and ball-bearings inside to maximize the number of bystanders killed.
Also for your information, this is the death toll of kurdish `rebels` by Turkish army in just one raid:
How many did the (iraqi) arabs gassed and massacred?
And while we are at it, how many Kurdish youth have your Islamist masters in Iran killed, youth who were not even throwing pebbles?
It is not my silence that is deafening, but the stink of your perfidy that is nauseating.



by Anonymous26 (not verified) on



ریدی حاجی!

Narinhaj! (not verified)

آقا ریدی!


Only jews who went thru

by VoiceOfMankind (not verified) on

Only jews who went thru Natzi camps can feel and understand (not the zionists) Palestinian agony. Alas, the history has to repeat and take it's toll. There's only the few oppressors, the many oppressed AND silent majority. DO your part to end violence and stand up for justice for humanity.

A country can survive with Atheisim but can NOT survive with oppression;


Zion, and how many rock throwing kids have the Turks killed?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Your silence is defeaning.


We are all "Filthy Goyim", according to the Chosen People

by Anonymous1970 (not verified) on

Zionists consider 99.8% of humanity to be "Filthy Goyim". For those "Goyim" (be it Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Bahai, atheist, whatever) who support the money-laundering gangster scum of Eastern Europe, remember that you too are considered "Filthy Goyim". The Palestinians are fighting against the garbage that Europe has decided to dump on the Middle East.