
Photo essay: Traveling through Iran




Do Iranian Poeple hate........

by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

the answere is clearly NO. They do not hate nothing at all ( got the joke?). If one is a little bit objective, so realizes at once: What Iranians and with them nearly all beings on earth hate well that is the american Imperialism. In last century stil a greate satan, it is nowadays not soo greate any more. In fact it lays allready in his death bed snapping his last drops of air. Please do not mix up and differentiate between american imperialism and millions americans and other nationalities who are suffering from that america which is meant hier. Even the officials do not hate any body. Just newly a high official of the Islamic republic of Iran has emphasized that the iranian nation is a friend of americans and even a freind of non zionist jews. the western media have served the explanation so as if that Iranian had meant the american Imperialism and the zionistic jews.