To look at some of the materials, it might come as a shock that Khatami is actually alive and well. This leaflet reads "Engineer Mirhossein Musavi" at the bottom with engineer being significant because it suggests someone who gets things done. The top reads "green card of confidence" implying that this is a mock ballot meant to be cast for Musavi. The ghostly image of Khatami in the background is more than subtly modelled on pictures of martyrs common around Iran and deeply significant culturally. I would argue that there is an implication here of Khatami being a political martyr (especially given that he stepped down supposedly to make room for Musavi).
sounds like a stretch!
by IRANdokht on Fri Jun 05, 2009 09:55 AM PDTI believe it only means Khatami endorses Moosavi. Green vote (as GO). No martyrdom there. Also the title "Engineer" is used, because in Iran even people who don't have the degree like to be called an engineer. it's prestigeous. :o)