‏ملت شريف و مظلوم ايران
16-Jun-2009 (2 comments)

در روزهاى اخير شاهد تلاش و حضور پرشور و‏ ‏ايثارگرانه شما برادران و خواهران عزيز و بزرگوار، از زن و مرد، پير و جوان و‏ ‏تمامى اقشار در صحنه تبليغات انتخابات دوره دهم رياست جمهورى‏ ‏بودم .
‏ ‏در اين ايام قشر جوان با روحيه اميد و براى رسيدن به خواسته هاى به حق‏ ‏خود به صحنه آمدند و شب و روز براى روز موعود لحظه شمارى كردند، و‏ ‏اين فرصت بسيار مناسب و خوبى براى مسئولين نظام بود تا موقعيت را‏ ‏مغتنم شمرده و بتوانند بهترين رابطه دينى ، عاطفى و ملى را با قشر عظيم‏ ‏نيروى جوان و بقيه اقشار برقرار نمايند.

recommended by Fouzul Bashi


Fouzul Bashi

Dear Jahanshah

by Fouzul Bashi on

I was hoping for a stronger statement too.

Lets not forget the guy is like 100 yrs old now (maybe not yet but close)

When Mousavi was prime minister, Montazeri was the only one who spoke up against the executions and he's been basically outcasted since.

I'm suspecting that he has some reservations about the power struggle between these groups and being more progressive than all the other akhounds, he is probably more concerned with the young people and the violence than he is with the presidential candidates.


Jahanshah Javid

Very interesting

by Jahanshah Javid on

I was wondering where Montazeri stood in all this and expected him to issue a statement. So he has sided with the protesters -- cautiously. Not a fatwa against the regime, but a warning. Thank you for posting.