How much of the world can I see?
Through my window
How much of the sky?
How much of the horizon?
And how many trees
And how many clouds floating in my sky
And how many people love each other
And how many separate
And how many reconciliate
How many will be born
And how many will get sick
And how many will die
How much of the totality of life
Is viewed from my window
And how far can I see
The whole world?
And how much of the whole world
Is left unseen to me
And how can I see the totality of existence
Through the six billion other persons’ windows
Of the world and their existence?
Do I know what I see or they see?
And how much we see?
Do I know where my place is?
In the whole world?
And how can I meet the other six billions:
Are the others like me in perplexity?
Beyond knowledge?
How many windows are possibly needed
To know our world
To know ourselves?