Haji some of us want to send you cash (eskenas) in mail. We can put it in envelopes and send it to you. But we need a mailing address. Do you have a PO box in a post office or a mailing address? This will be donations for your free work that you've done so far and we have benefited.
Marriage Irani
by javed (not verified) on Fri Nov 16, 2007 02:31 AM PST
Hi i just want to marry an iranian shia girl. Would u please tell me how it is possible? MY email id is sultana_rihana@yahoo.com.
you right Mr, faramarz my problems was in Iran I try to get married but I did not have money or any one support me after I land in Canada I saw every where gay or lesbian, or women are here in Canada smoking and drinking so wild looks to me no one here to like get married and have child and family, what kind society is Canada? are this stupid kind of the freedom and life we are wishes for Iranian? to every one be came gay.....live lonely and play with toy's , supporting me to meet female have fun and sex and start my family to became happy and draw nice cartoons for you are,
You simply are obssesed with this kind of shit which leads me to believe either A) you need to get ladi, which thankfully in Canada prostituion is leagal. B) you need to see a Psychologist and have some theraphy to cure you from your ills!
Hajiagha do you have a mailing address for cash donations?
by Anonymouse on Fri Nov 16, 2007 05:34 AM PSTHaji some of us want to send you cash (eskenas) in mail. We can put it in envelopes and send it to you. But we need a mailing address. Do you have a PO box in a post office or a mailing address? This will be donations for your free work that you've done so far and we have benefited.
Marriage Irani
by javed (not verified) on Fri Nov 16, 2007 02:31 AM PSTHi i just want to marry an iranian shia girl. Would u please tell me how it is possible? MY email id is sultana_rihana@yahoo.com.
He need a Psychologist
by nsh on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:34 AM PDTAt first i was very upset and angry of his cartoons. But now , i just feel sorry for him.. He`s sick.
Thank you guy's
by cartoonist on Tue Aug 21, 2007 02:37 AM PDTyou right Mr, faramarz my problems was in Iran I try to get married but I did not have money or any one support me after I land in Canada I saw every where gay or lesbian, or women are here in Canada smoking and drinking so wild looks to me no one here to like get married and have child and family, what kind society is Canada? are this stupid kind of the freedom and life we are wishes for Iranian? to every one be came gay.....live lonely and play with toy's , supporting me to meet female have fun and sex and start my family to became happy and draw nice cartoons for you are,
He is competing with skunks...
by Sophie on Mon Aug 20, 2007 05:58 PM PDTSkunk spray is not only incredibly stinky, it's also notoriously difficult to get rid of!!!
Hajiagha's problem
by Faramarz_Fateh on Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:41 AM PDTI agree....we need to find one of these loose Iranian women in Canada to give some to Hajiagha.....this poor brother needs some TLC
you need to see either a hooker or Psychologist or both!
by mrclass on Mon Aug 20, 2007 09:37 AM PDTYou simply are obssesed with this kind of shit which leads me to believe either A) you need to get ladi, which thankfully in Canada prostituion is leagal. B) you need to see a Psychologist and have some theraphy to cure you from your ills!