Here is a short . The Response of 2NT is forcing to Game. a non-jump response in a new suit at the two-level is forcing to game, and; a 1NT response to a major opening is forcing for one round and indicates insufficient values to immediately commit to game or bid a suit at the one-level. The only 1-level suit response that can occur is 1 over 1. Typically, you open your longer minor suit (if you have one). almost any Shape With 11+ bid a new suit at the 2 level, minors can be as few as 4 cards but majors must be 5 or more cards. This is a rather large topic, that I will summarize as follows: You must decide whether a new-suit 2-level response is Game-Forcing. Note that you should discuss with your partner whether these treatments are in effect after interference or by a passed hand. When we open in a minor suit we usually choose the longer minor, even if it's only 3 cards in length. Responses with 5+ card support If you have 5 or more cards in opener's suit, you are guaranteed to have at least a 10 card fit (since opener guarantess a 5 card major). Step 1= 4 cards in lowest side suit (♣) Step 2 = 4 cards in next side suit (♦) Step 3 = 4 cards in highest side suit (other major) This looks a bit complex, but there isn't too much memory. 2§ / 2¨ This is a forcing bid showing a 3+ minor suit and denying 4 spades (after a 1© opening). 4 or less cards in both your major suits. 10-12 points - 3 ♥ or 3♠. When you haven't found a fit yet, it takes more points to increase the level of the bidding. 1D opening as an artificial opening showing 11-15 with 4+spades, and keep the rest of your limited openings as natural while denying 4+spades [2m = 11-15 and natural]. Major Suit Openings and Responses. Jump in your best suit, or cue-bid if the opponents have intervened. After we open 1-of-a-minor. 1NT to your major-suit opening. Cue Cards (see . A Better Bridge Bookmark for each player, if available (see Appendix). Otherwise rebid NT at 12-14 Open of a suit ( or 1 if no 5 card major) then rebid NT the lowest level. Fun Card Games. If partner opened a major suit, your 1NT response shows no fit (0-2 cards in his suit) and no new suit you can show at the one-level. Remember the objectives when deciding what to do over your partner's response. Rule: After Major Suit openings at the 1 level, the response of 1 No -Trump will: 1. show 6 -12 total points 2. be forcing for one round So South's bid of 1NT in response to partner's 1 opening bid shows: 6 -12 pts. b) bid a new suit at the one level. Responses are a combination of controls (2D/2H/2S) and suits of quality (2NT and higher). RESPONSES TO OPENINGS OF 1. Unless the Opening bid showed a Strong hand, a 1NT rebid or a raise of a 1-level major suit response to 2 of that major that may contain hands of 16 or more HCP. Most of the time, you should simply bid 4 of the major (even with 0 points!). INITIAL RESPONSES: Responder MAY bypass a diamond suit to bid a four-card major if he is not strong enough to bid on over a 1NT rebid. Major Suit Response Structure. Developed by Marty Bergen and first published in April 1982, Bergen raises are based on the Law of total tricks, a hand evaluation concept which states that with a combined nine trumps in the partnership one should compete to at least the three-level regardless of . [1 NT: Opening, Responses ] [Two-Over-One] [Precision Club, Blue Club, Strong Club Conventions ] [Defenses against Strong Club Openings] [Responses to Minor Suit Openings] [Responses to Major Suit Openings] [Preempts and Defenses to Openings] [Specific Defenses against Conventional Bids] [Slam and Game Probe Tools] Bid your best suit as cheaply as possible. Since Opener has 5 of a major when he opens 1♠ or 1♥, his usual response to partner's 1NT Forcing bid is to bid his 4‐card suit next. Suit-specific definitions • Following a 1♣ opening bid and a raise of responder's 1♠ to 2♠: 1♣ 1♠ The level of support is shown by 'limit bids' as follows ( remember to add distributional points ): 6-9 points - 2 ♥ or 2♠. The first set of answers to 2NT must be memorized. If your partner has opened 1 ¨ (less common than 1 § ), you know much more about his/her distribution than if the opening had been 1 §. Warning: This article includes some conventional bids that must be alerted. 2. 6-9 Single Raise — 3 Support = 2♥♠ Inv. With opening strength: Open the longest suit of 5 cards or more. 11 - 12. The 2/1 GF system will be covered elsewhere in this series. The first requirement for a response is to have 6 DP or more for a . On Separate Table: Deals #10-12 (Coded Cards, duplicate boards, or Teacher's Deal Records). Responses To 1-of-a-Major. A 2♣ response to a 1NT Opening is the Stayman Convention. Should have a balanced or semi-balanced distribution. However, given the choice between raising partner's minor and showing your own 4 card major, you should always show the major (no matter how bad it is). F. After a 1 opening your hand may be unbalanced if your long suit is clubs. Promises 5-9 HCP. After that, the same principle covers all the memory: Next step asks, and answers are "up-the . Even with only four diamonds, a response of 1 ♦ would be in keeping with bidding four-card suits "up the line.". Re-bid 4 of opener's minor with a 6-card suit Splinter in the one of the two un-bid suits with 4-4-4-1 Bid 4 of responder's major with either 5-card support or with a non-minimum, no shortness, unsuitable for 3N. 83 followers. opener does NOT rebid 2NT the partnership is forced to game; thus suit-oriented 2C openings are very strong. 2© (in response to an opening 1ª bid) So we open in a minor suit. (Of course, it's sometimes right to play in a minor-suit contract, but we're going to $10. (at least 4 cards). Crafts. Discover (and save!) Pass if the response was 1NT. The Forcing Notrump Call is a cornerstone of the 2/1 system, usually showing a range of 6-12 points; this treatment is necessary to cover Responder's 10-12 point range, where a two-level response would be game . To make a takeout double of an overcall and then pull partner's response when they do take it out is non-forcing with at least a five-card suit, since an immediate bid would have been forcing. (Down Fast - Up - Top) BR 6.2 - NT Responses to 1 in a Suit Openings. suit is diamonds, because the 1}opening is unlikely to be based on a 3 card suit. 1. 3. Normally this shows 4+ cards, but rarely may be a 3 card minor suit as a temporizing bid to describe your point count. The 1NT bid denies possession of a 4-card major, except that after 1 Spade responder could possess 4 or more Hearts. Therefore : ; Often 3NT openings are gambling, based on a long (7 card) solid minor.It may be strong, intermediate or weak based on agreement. Denies a 4-card or longer spade suit after a 1© opening; also denies good support for opener's suit. This bid shows minimum high-card strength (6 to 10 points); it does not promise notrump distribution. Learn useful new tools that are commonly played among advanced and expert players. Opener can pass. Fair: Nine to twelve points. WEAK TWO MAJOR SUIT OPENINGS 2. Bridge: Making the Opening Lead against a Notrump Contract - dummies . Introduction. Then using 2NT and 2C as a weak or strong bid is presented. Note: If you or your partner opened the bidding in a suit and one of you responded 1 No Trump, that is not an opening bid and none of this applies. First straight-forward methods are presented for 2NT and 2C openers. There should be some "bidding security" that a 2/1 shows a 5 card or longer suit. raise to 3 or 3. 16 plus. Otherwise: 1. The basic Montreal Relay system attempts to find both 4-4 and 5-3 major suit fits at the one level. Gavin outlines the response structure he plays with his expert partners after a 1 of a minor opening bid. RESPONSES TO ONE-LEVEL SUIT OPENINGS. Poor: Five to nine points. 2NT: Forcing If you play that a 2NT response to 1 or 1 shows a balanced hand with game-forcing strength, check the box. Note: After a 1 opening bid every new suit bid will be at the 2 level or above. Duplicate Bridge. No, you cannot always accomplish that goal; you find out early in the bidding if you must settle elsewhere. Bidding a 1NT response after a minor suit opening denies a 4‐card major and 6‐9 pts. jump in unbid minor. your own Pins on Pinterest This article discusses the standard methods used to raise partner's major suit opening bid (i.e., an opening bid of 1 ♥ or 1♠) with the following types of hands:. IV. Rebid your own long suit at the lowest level available (1D - 1S - 1NT - 2S). Finding a major fit is still important, but it is more likely that your partner has a long diamond suit. Meckwell major suit bids and Meckwell responses to minor suit openings, minor suit Stayman, Kokish Relays, Tartan Weak Two Bids, Th e Walsh Club Convention, the Principle of Restricted Choice, additional methods for interfering over the strong precision club bid, Variable Roman Keycard Blackwood, Spiral Scan bids, the Swedish 2NT bid, and In response to 1♥ or 1♠ you should immediately support the suit with three or more cards. at least 3 club cards (with no upper limit on length) your club suit is longer than your diamond suit. Unlike major suit raises, there is no distinction between fair and good hands.The reason is that in most cases, you aren't looking to play in a minor suit fit . (There are at least 26 points in the . 6 TO 9 POINTS: Responder has three clear choices: a) support (3-cards) partner's suit at the 2 level. After a 1 in a Suit. An ideal 1NT opening will have 4-3-3-3 distribution (4 cards in one suit, 3 in another), but 4-4-3-2 is fairly common. Conversely, over a major suit opening, the emphasis should be to give support for the opening major at the appropriate level. Show a 4 card major at the one level. See responses to opening bids of one of a suit Give a single raise with 4 card support for responder's suit. We call this a 2 over 1 response. This assumes canape thinking and a 1N opening that DENIES 4+M. Poor: Five to nine points. Here are some examples of a 1 ♥ opening bid. Stayman and transfers are typically used in the same way over 1NT or 2NT. When the agreed major is , responder must bid 2♠ to ask: 1♣ 1 1♣ 1♠ 1 1 1 1♠ PART I: MAJOR SUITS. 18-21 G.G 5+ of MAJOR Inv. 1 in a Suit Openings & NT responses - Facts sheet 4. 10-12 points - 3 ♥ or 3♠. 2NT = 13 - 15 points with a balanced hand (= forcing to Game). With no five-card major suit and a hand too weak to open 1NT, we open the longer minor. Note: After a 1 opening bid every new suit bid will be at the 2 level or above. The ONLY bid for which you need to modify your response structure is the 1S opening. Forcing Notrump - A conventional response of 1 Notrump to partner's major suit opening, requiring further description of opener's hand. You have to go to the two level to bid a suit lower in rank than partner's opening. Major-Suit Openings and Responses — Part 1 The focus of this lesson is the Jacoby 2NT convention. Double of suit overcall. Over 1♣, a response of 1 or 1♠ promises five cards. ~Major Suit Opening in 3rd Seat Responses: Drury is used on invitational hands and is designed to allow the partnership to pass at the 2-level when third hand has a light opener. ¨. The sequence 2C-2D; 2H is either natural or the first move on a balanced game force. jump in unbid minor. A 1 response may be Why would anyone want to open 1NT when 1M neatly describes the main feature of the hand, the 5-card major suit, which is also a very live strain possibility? KOKISH after a 2C opening: 2C-2D-2NT is 23-24 and non-forcing, 2C-2D-2H-2S-2N is 25+ and all system over 2NT openings apply. Normally this shows 4+ cards, but rarely may be a 3 card minor suit as a temporizing bid to describe your point count. Therefore a 1 ; or 1NT response to 1♣ denies a four+ card major. Open the higher of long suits of equal length -- 5-5 or 6-6 -- including Spades and Clubs. We call this a 2 over 1 response. If Opener has 6 of a major, he should bid the major again at the 2 level. No Response. RESPONDING TO ONE-LEVEL OPENING BIDS (5-CARD MAJORS) Over a minor suit opening, the emphasis should be to introduce an alternative suit in preference to merely supporting the opening minor (majors and no-trumps score more). REBIDDING A MAJOR SUIT 2. For example, you might bid 2 of a minor after partner bids 1 of a major. This . Therefore, the goal of the auction is generally to nd an 8-card major suit t, or else to play in notrump. F. After a 1 opening your hand may be unbalanced if your long suit is clubs. Many players, however, would respond 1 ♥.One reason is that the emphasis over a minor suit opening is to look for a major suit fit before settling on notrump or a minor suit. Lesson Three: Major Suit Opening Bids and Responses Preparation On Each Table: A guide card (Teacher's Guide Card); pencils; Contract Cards or paper; Deal #9. Take-out if below 4S. opening, the NT Responses are :. Single Raise — 4 support = 2♥♠ Inv or major suit openings and responses you should immediately the... Be some & quot ; up-the a fit yet, it takes points! S Deal Records ) the lowest level available ( see Lesson 7.! More cards ♥or 1♠ is that we sometimes have to be a balanced * * hand.! 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