Support Ahmadinejad’s Visit to the U.S.

Our dear President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be in the U.S. to attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Additionally, our great leader may Allah bless his soul will attend a meeting sponsored by the World Council of Churches, Religions for Peace and the American Friends Service Committee which joined forces to arrange an “iftar” dinner for our great leader on Monday afternoon at the Hyatt Hotel in Manhattan. As you know, we are now in the midst of the holy month of “Ramadan”.

Unfortunately, our great leader will be greeted by Jewish protesters with banners bearing the slogan: “Stop Iran. Now.” The protest, organised by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish

The Jews and the Zionists are at it again. They want to oppress our great leader and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I am writing on here for 2 reasons: 1) To ask you to please support our great leader by sending donations (minimum $50) to:

Ahmadinejad Supporters Unite, CITIBANK, Routing# 1200345, Account# 456-76534-87112

2) Please go to N.Y. so you can counter the Jews and other infidels and prevent them from harming the image of our President and our Islamic Republic.

I just want to remind all of us that under the leadership of our great President we now have a flourishing economy, women can become prostitutes without any problems and at minimal cost (only 7% management fee to the bongaah), religous minorities such as Jews and Bahais can now stay in jail for free for as long as they want, the standing of our nation has never been more stellar and all the gay people have vanished from our soil; there are no gay men or women in Iran any more (please send a salavat before continuing).

If you cannot go to show your love and support for our dear President, please sponsor someone else to go in your stead. This is a great and worthwhile cause.

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