With MUSIC we are Marching forward – TIME IS ON OUR SIDE


With MUSIC we are Marching forward





>>> Italian Version >>>>>>





verb (used without object)

1. to walk with regular and measured tread, as soldiers on parade; advance in step in an organized body. 2. to walk in a stately, deliberate manner. 3. to go forward; advance; proceed: Time marches on.

–verb (used with object)

4. to cause to march.


5. the act or course of marching. 6. the distance covered in a single period of marching. 7. advance; progress; forward movement: the march of science. 8. a piece of music with a rhythm suited to accompany marching.


9. march on, to march toward, as in protest or in preparation for confrontation or battle: The angry mob marched on the Bastille. 10. on the march, moving ahead; progressing; advancing: Automation is on the march. 11. steal a march on, to gain an advantage over, esp. secretly or slyly.

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