Death over ball point pen

Source: Karim Mahmoudpour


On November 25th 2006, Ali Hatemi was with his friend Satar Momenezhad in his neighbourhood when a fight broke out between them.


The fight started  when Satar took a pen from Ali’s pocket. Satar swore at Ali and Ali kicked Satar. Satar pulled out a knife and struck Ali twice on his head and twice on his hands. According to the reporter who interviewed Ali a few days after the incident, he said that Ali’s wounds were really deep and that the report on the confirmation of injuries is available upon request.  After Ali was injured, he also pulled out a knife and struck Satar in his thigh and side.


According to Ali and other witnesses, it was at that point that Satar collapsed to the ground.  Ali, who was bleeding was taken away by his friends to a clinic. Satar was also taken away by friends.  Four hours later at Shaheed Behesti Hospital, Satar was pronounced dead. The doctors’ reports confirmed that the death was caused by a laceration to the main artery in Satar’s thigh and internal bleeding.


Five days after the incident, Ali turned himself into the police station where he was jailed. After several court cases, Branch #5 in Shiraz announced Ali’s conviction and death sentence on August 8th 2008. Out of the 5 judges presiding over the case,3 of them agreed with the execution order and 2 voted against. Twenty days later the sentence was appealed and the file was then sent to the Supreme Court. Three months later, the Supreme Court once again approved Ali’s death sentence. The file has been transferred to the executioner’s office at the branch in Shiraz to prepare the final orders. Once that is complete, the file will be sent to the Head of Judiciary Ayatollah Shahroudi’s office.


Ali was under the age of 18 at the time of the offence. and the act was not premeditated. He had consumed alcohol and did not even realize what had taken place.

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