US Envoy Outlines Need to Stabilize Pakistan and Afghanistan

An international donors’ conference in Japan has raised $5 billion to help Pakistan rebuild its economy and confront militant groups.

Richard Holbrooke speaks to the press following International Donors Conference in Tokyo, 18 Apr 2009

The United States and Japan each pledged $1 billion, but Washington’s special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, says large donations from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Iran send a clear message that stabilizing Pakistan is a global concern.   
“It demonstrates the international support that Pakistan is now receiving. And I hope that the people of Pakistan understand the huge significance of such a outpouring of support of countries of such diversity,” he said.

Holbrooke underscored the dangers that a resurgent Taliban and terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, who have a stronghold in western Pakistan, pose to the international community.
“These are the men who committed the atrocities of 9/11 in the United States, who attacked Mumbai, who planned the attacks in Spain and Britain, who killed Benazir Bhutto, and who have attacked inside Pakistan,” he said. “I have no doubt whatsoever that they are planning attacks as we sit here in Tokyo on other capitols and other opportunities around the world.”

The envoy says what happens in Pakistan also has a direct impact on the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Militants continue to laun… >>>

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