Marjane Satrapi’s Cameo Role in Teenage Comedy

Les Beaux Gosses is a screen adaptation of a popular French Comic Book by Riad Sattouf about a teenage boy’s puberty age adventures. Marjane Satrapi (Persepolis) makes her first screen appearance in a cameo role. Satrapi who is curently working on the screen adaptation with real actors and sets of her graphic novel Chicken and Plums is cast in this film as a music store seller.

Dunno for You but I guess I am too old for this kind of humor … ;0)

unfortunately she does not appear in this trailer. So I guess I will go and see the film just for that scene.


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From Persepolis to Babelsberg by DK

Satrapi-Makhmalbaf Joint Conference EU Parliament Brussels (06-17-09)


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