Dear General Secretary of the United Nations, please help the Iranians

Dear Secretary General of the United Nations. Please , help the Iranians.

As you may know in Iran is now a big problem. The people are divided in two big groups, some of them saying that the election is false and the people who have power changed their votes. So they do not accept Mr. Ahmadi Nejad as their president. The other side does not accept the reaped of the election and will force the people to accept the result of the election. The big powers do not care and they say; they do not want to interfere in the Iran now. They did interfere before, but now they do not want to interfere. From one side they say they ;now that the election is not right, but they want to negotiate about the business with Iran. That is a paradox; from one side they say the election has problem and from the other side they are willing to make contracts with the government of Iran.

It could be soon a bigger problem even for the world. It could break in a civil war in Iran and again millions of people will be killed for nothing. In the past the super powers interfere in Iran and through their advertisement gave a line to Iranians. And in Iran Iraq war ;they supported both sides directly and indirectly to continue the war. It costs for both countries Iran and Iraq billions of dollars and millions of people have lost their lives and their properties. Iran in burning in fire and the supper powers will not interfere and bring peace in this country. So, please speak with the people and try to make another election according to a normal way ; so in freedom and Iranian can elect their president in freedom and without any force and the person who will be the president of Iran should have the majority of the vote without any filtering before and after. The people should not be filtered for being president.The greedy companies will sell their weapons and , their drugs ;the illegal drug to Iranian and they want this war and confusion in Iran. They want to robe the Iranian wealth and leave them in poverty.

You are in the position that you can solve the problem. Iranian are killed for nothing now and nobody care. The big power interferes for their own benefits. Russian is interfering, because they can make more business and get more money out of Iran. USA shows that they do not want interfere and they do not care what is happening in Iran. If you do not interfere, the problem soon will be international. The greedy people are taking Iranian money which should be spend in Iran for Iranian education and welfare and they gather them in other countries and the Iranian youth are suffering for this. Millions of Iranians ;because they do not have work and future; and not possibilities to study and work are using illegal drugs. Millions of Iranian cannot work in Iran, because their parent has different religions and believe. Millions of Iranian academic people are working out of Iran as physical worker, because Iran does not let go back to Iran. If you interfere legally and Iranian can have a free election without any filtering , so the people than should accept the democratic election result. But now a lot of people are saying that the election was not a real one and was false one.

Mr. Ahmadi Nejad says that the election is fair, but I do not know why they do not want to reaped it? They say he has 63%, but I do not know why; they afraid to make another election under the supervision of United Nations. Please, find a way to solve this problem and send your people there to have another election, so in this way if Mr. Ahmadi Nejad comes out from the boxes, than nobody will say anything against him. That is the minimum the Iranians want. Another election and a referendum for the leader. I think you agree that the majority should accept a leader and or a president. The problem could be solved so easy by your action. The Iranian may again vote for Ahmadi Nejad and for the leadership they may also vote Mr. Khamenei, the only different is this that at that moment everybody will be happy. The government says that the election is fair and a lot of people close to the majority say that the election was not fair and is a false election. So a re- election will solve the problem. Everyday people are killed in Iran, because of that and the super power says they will not do anything and they just wait. How can the people fight with bare hands with the armed forces for their rights? In this way you will solve the problem and the youth will not be killed any more and the hate and war or may be the civil war will stop in Iran. That is for humanity purpose.

In this way both sides will be happy and appreciate.

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