In defense of Akhunds

In defense of the Akhunds I have to say that they have been told for their whole life : Muhammad ordered to kill, Ali beheaded, Ali burned them alive, Omar killed and so on and so foth.


Quran says : kill them wherever you find them, stone them, lash them, beat them, lie to everyone, be cunning, etc

IRI says : rape them to dehumanize them, stone them , hang them fromn cranes, assassinate them, assault them, behead them

So these are how they are supposed to behave to go to heaven to get tjheir rewards in the next life too. My problem is with the idiots who follow them and think that it is the problem with others not with what islam is doing now,.

Some idiots say: Don’t insult our holy beliefs, how can we respect your beliefs when it is killing and dehumanizing everyone and doesn’t let anyone to leave peacefully and freely on earth ??? 

 1400 years of sleep and slavery is enough

Long live Iran under Ahura Mazda

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