Things get curiouser and curiouser in the Iranian wonderland. Imagine what happened last week during Friday prayers in Tehran, personally conducted by former president Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, aka “The Shark”, Iran’s wealthiest man, who made his fortune partly because of Irangate – the 1980s’ secret weapons contracts with Israel and the US.
,,,During prayers, partisans of the hegemonic faction yelled the usual Death to America!” – while the pragmatic conservatives came up, for the first time, with “Death to Russia!” and “Death to !” Oops. Unlike the and Western Europe, both Russia and China almost instantly accepted the contested presidential re-election of Ahmadinejad. Could they then be portrayed as enemies of Iran? Or have pragmatic conservatives not been informed that obsessed-by-Eurasia Zbig Brzezinksi – who has US President Barack Obama’s undivided attention – has been preaching since the 1990s that it is essential to break up the Tehran-Moscow-Beijing axis and torpedo the