Iran, A Hope: Enough Koss-O-Sher!

I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside. – W. Houston

That said, We, the generation within whom fault and blame lies, for this Republic of Islamists that reign over our beloved motherland this day, must facilitate and implement beauty in the hearts of generations to come.

 “How?” asked. Answered; I shall kill; you shall plant the seeds of beauty. I shall die; you shall harvest the fruits that beauty brings. I shall be the sword; you shall be the pen. As in Nature, All have roles to play in the theater of harmony, so must We. Thus, symmetrical shall We be; split in two shall we be, when we have our roles for All to be.

Tell Us, more, for your boasts are but a bore; which, we already have heard before. – P. Knutt Gallery

Shall I reply, “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. – L. Holtz, Ole Football Coach”?

Nay, I shall not. I shall kill (69 ways ‘til Sunday shall I kill), and I and others like me shall bleed the head of All that is this Regime and Those that feed from its unjust troffs.

“Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. – M. Gandhi”

In 30 years has the Islamic Regime ever once been prepared to hear the other side?

“Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty. – M. Gandhi”

The Regime’s blood WILL cleanse their stains of tyranny from Iran’s streets and soil of the land of our birth, the “Land of Aryans”, Iran zamin.

“There is nothing divine about morality; it is a purely human affair. – Einstein”

And when, I and We are done; only Iran shall remain for You.

“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself. – Buddha”

And what will You do?

You will preach [Love] peace in time of peace. You will bring light to Iran’s future generations. You will add the beauty to the hearts of The Children. For that seed you so desperately must plant, and nurture, can only grow in the fertile soil fed by the light of the Sun. The Sun will shine down on Iran again, when the shadow that is this Regime has been removed.

Allow Me to do what must be done, so You can do what must be done.

I shall be the sword; You shall be the pen. We shall free Iran; again and again.


Bar labe gore man, avaz bekhan. Avaze azadi bekhan, az azadie Iran bekhan.

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