Why No One Believes the Regime: A List of Goebbels-Style Whoppers

Why no one believes the Regime:


–“Iran Panel Says Prison Rape Charges Are False”

–“85% Election Turnout “Proves” People Love Khamenei’s Islamic Republic”

–“The Election was the Most Honest and Fair in History.”

–“Foreign Agents Are Behind All the Demonstrations”

–“No One Tortured Prisoners to Confess”

–“Prisoners Voluntarily Confessed Because They Were So Impressed With the Kindness of Their Guards.”

–“Prisoners Lost Weight Because They Were Treated to Healthy Diets.”

–“Opposition Leaders Got 100 Young People Drunk and Drugged and then
Sent Them Out to Kill Demonstrators so the Regime Would Look Bad.”

–“Only 29 People Were Killed During Demonstrations and 20 of them were Basilj Though We Can’t Name the Latter.”

COMMENT: Some of the Above Are Direct Quotes. Others accurate
paraphrase arguments put forth by the Khamenei despotism and its

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