Israel or IRR

The guessing game is on again in Tehran. Will he or will he not do it. The he is Rafsanjani and the, it, is the all important Tehran Friday prayer.

Throughout the thirty years of the IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, the Friday prayers and in particular the one in Tehran has been used as more of a political pulpit than a solemn occasion for group prayer and religious devotion.

Ever since the rigged “election” and the brutal suppression of the peaceful demonstrators asking for their rights which included rooftop IRR sharpshooters randomly picking off demonstrators, torturing and raping of men, women and children detainees, the Friday prayer has gained an extra importance.

It was during a Friday prayer that the Head Rapist Khamenei issued his infamous cease and desist order or else which lead loose his thugs on peaceful demonstrators.  

It was also during a Tehran Friday Prayer led by Rafsanjani, the last time that he led the prayer, which people flocked to the prayer site and as pictures and videos of occasion tell it in some instances in direct and pointed contravention of the strictly enforced segregation participated in the prayer in mixed groups of men and women.

 Other IRR’s norms and customs were also trampled on; one being the customary chants of death to Israel, America and England bellowed out by an IRR sloganeer czar instead of being repeated by people were responded by death to China and Russia, two IRR friendly powers.

This Friday marks the IRR invented “International Qods Day” which is used as an occasion to condemn Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

 Never you mind that the International part of it is just a boastful wishful thinking on the part of the IRR. Also never mind the fact that the kettle and pot thing is an obvious hypocrisy when IRR and its legendry mistreatment of its own citizen condemns others.

IRR is in a bad bind now, on the one hand it is scared stiff that Iranians will use the Qods occasion to demonstrate against the regime and on the other hand it cannot cancel the one thing that it has built its entire legitimacy in the eyes of the Arab world on.   

As of now the leadership of this Friday’s prayer has not been settled, but the BBC quotes Rafsanjani as saying:

“Qods day is the symbol of innocence and enslavement in the clutches of a wholly illegitimate, bogus and usurper government”

One wonders what part of Rafsanjani’s description does not fit the IRR to a T.

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