Neda could be declared a “Martyr” by IRI’s Martyr Foundation

TEHERAN – IRAN’S Martyr Foundation said on Saturday it will declare Neda Agha-Soltan a martyr if is proven that an enemy of the state caused the young woman’s death during a protest rally after the June election.

‘The pictures seem to show that Neda Agha-Soltan’s death was the result of a plot by opponents and the enemy,’ ILNA news agency quoted Masoud Zaribafan, head of the state-run foundation, as saying. ‘If this is confirmed by the intelligence ministry… her family must be somehow covered by the foundation,’ Mr Zaribafan said.

The Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans’ Affairs provides facilities and financial help to families of those killed or wounded during the Iran-Iraq war of the 80s or who died for the cause of the Islamic republic.

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