DIPLOMATIC HISTORY: Shah of Iran visits Baloutch Minority in Pakistan (1960)

President Ayoub Khan introducing the Shah of Iran to a Baloutch leader in Pakistan (1960)

Shah’s Last Will Read by the Shahbanou of Iran in which the Late King pledges for the UNITY of all Iranians around the Crown and the Constitution regardless of their ethnic groups, religion and differences :


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Iranian Revolutionary guards commanders assassinated in Sistan and Balouchestan Province (bbc)

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Recommended Readings:

Reza Pahlavi Message on the Death of Benazir Bhutto (rezapahlavi.org)

Empress Farah Pahlavi’s condolences to Benazir Bhutto’s Family  (farahpahlavi.org)

by Darius KADIVAR (payvand)

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