VAFA Animal Shelter in Hashtgerd, Iran

VAFA Animal Shelter is located in the town of Hashtgerd, outside Tehran. VAFA survives through donations and is run by volunteers and two employees. VAFA provides shelter for over 300 dogs and provides care for any animal in distress. I like to familiarize all of you with the self less humanitarian effort of individuals whom we all should be proud of and willing to lend a hand to. Please go to the link and familiarize yourself with the shelter, the hard work of its volunteers, and to promote respect for all forms of life. Please forward the link to those who have a heart. And find it in your heart to send monthly donations and adopt a dog just by paying a few dollars a month. With just 30 dollars a month, price of a cup of coffee a day, ( or any amount you can give ) you can help these innocent angels to survive cruelty, hunger,and suffering. We owe this to our culture and to humanity . Thank you.


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