Now I Know What Makes Women Click

What a husband needs to do to get some action around the house…

I saw this story in the paper the other day about Lorrie Sullenberger, the wife of the hero Captain “Sully” who landed a US Airways plane on the Hudson River and saved the lives of 155 people. She told NBC Program, “NBC’s People of the Year” that ever since that day, the good captain is getting “Rock Star Sex” at home!

I thought this was so funny! A married guy needs to do miracles and land a plane on the river in the middle of winter to get some quality action!

When I met my good buddy Kaveh for coffee this morning to go over the plans for watching a couple of soccer matches on TV this Sunday, I jokingly mentioned the story. Kaveh has been married for a long time and I know for sure that he is not getting any action at all. I said, “See, all you need to do is learn how to fly, and then land a plane on a river to rejuvenate your sex life!”

He looked at me for a few seconds. I could see that the wheels were turning in his head. He was probably imagining landing a plane on a river, opening the exit doors, letting everyone out first, interviews on CNN, and then coming home to a candle light dinner, soft music, lingerie and the rest of it.  

After a brief pause he told me in a serious voice, “Don’t believe everything that you read in the paper!”

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