The one million signatures campaign-week 1

I want to ensure that people realize that this is not just a 3 day Blog and I really want people to come on board with this idea.

We are at an early stage and I will be sending mail to key figures as well as broadcast the mission text to various Internet sites next week and try to bring more support on board. I will be publishing the mission in articles and send it to other Iranian paper and media publications.I am confident that the principle and the message is very simple and clear i.e. if we get 1 million signatures from citizens of an EU country we can bring about a change in legislation to make it illegal for any EU country to buy oil and Gas from a nation that is drastically neglecting Human rights and this will be based on Human rights watch and Amnesty International reports.

The mechanism for it would be that first through citizens’ initiative the change in law is made (Lisbon treaty asks for 1M signatures) and then to activate it, a petition would go to the human rights court of Europe where given the evidence and based on the judgment of the court the country in question would be sanctioned for oil and Gas by EU.

To ensure fairness, having recruited key figures, we should start by a debate and provide an opportunity for those who disagree with such sanctions against Iran.

I am very keen for the Iranian community to be the bastions of such a movement for several reasons: –

-We can all unite under the flag of Europe and put aside our differences.

– It would mobilize our community and teach us to use our legislative power. If sitting at your armchair somewhere in Europe you wanted to do something that has impact then this is it.

– It would capture the heart of the people of Europe rather than the politicians.

– The moral victory of putting Human rights for Iran on top of the list is the most important factor of this campaign; I am not even so concerned if at the end of the day we don’t get the legislative change but if we do it would be a victory.

Finally, it is clear that we need an Iranian organization for Europe, one which would have Human rights in Iran as a top mission rather than an organization interested in becoming a lobby for business interest of any particular group. Such a group would have to be non-partisan. If there is such a group please enlighten me, if not then somehow we have to take the initiative and at least for the objective of this campaign start one.

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