The blessed child, murmuring, with passion, about his faith
Great curiosity, at the feet of the Master, wondering, where the Truth, indeed lies
In the Labyrinth of knowledge, going to and fro, and indeed, in circles
Yes my darling, all illusion, be not deluded, embrace all understanding, and nothing else
Look across your shoulder, The God Of Creation, is that him
No my darling, all an illusion, the sweetness of paradise, all within you
From here to infinity, all spirits, no angels, yes my sweet, all dancing
Pay no attention, no my darling, to the musings of the Prophet, All, a total hallucination
In all Heaven and Earth, the scent of a flower, more precious, than all creation
Embrace the Truth, yes my darling, not mumbo-jumbo, neither, hocus-pocus
In the realm of knowledge, faith, is but a non-sensical aberration
Casually embrace reality, with an open heart, yes my love, lest you fall, in to the trap of delusion
Every step, in the wonder, of the lover, embracing, the loved
Yes my sweet, our love, No God, much blessing, in the palms of fate, in total Ecstasy
Let God be God, yes my sweet, and let us be humans
Share with me my bliss, yes my darling, our bliss, is indeed, our God, and, nothing else
If Mowlana told you to embrace him, yes my sweet, make great passionate love
My God, Your Divinity, yes my darling, our Mowlana, no angels, none needed
If your Prophet is Mohammad, embrace Jesus, and then cast both of them out
If your Prophet is Bahaullah, love Moses, then worship, Mowlana
My Brother, this is not blasphemy, but the release, of your true reality
Let go of all traditions, embrace the spirit, the Love Of God, yes my darling, you and me, and nothing else
My Sweetheart, hold my hand, as I walk this path, with you
No fears, no my darling, neither anxiety, now hold my hand, as I walk this path, with you
We need no Prophets, neither angels, no my darling, but the spirit of God, in our bosom
That’s all, yes my sweet, have no worries, much blessing, and yes, total Ecstasy, now come, hold my hand, as I walk this path, with you
Our God is on our side, the angels ahead of us, no demons, no my darling, none to bother us
Now come my sweet, the time has arrived, for us to depart, now hold my hands, with passion, as I walk this path, with you