But Ayatollah Boroujerdi is alive, ill and still in prison

Grand Ayatollah Montazeri who opposed Ayatollah Khamenei is dead and now the streets and the blogs are filled with praises for him. Today Shirin Ebadi wrote a letter telling Ayatollah Montazeri how sorry she is for not appreciating him and for not joining hands with him while he was still alive. It is a beautiful Ensha’ (essay) which I recommend reading. I call it Nooshdaroo pas az marge Sohrab: 


As of today another Grand Ayatollah is still in prison after 3 years for promoting separation of religion and government. 

He is very ill but still alive. He is not dead, at least not yet. 

Here is our chance to make things right this time and not be sorry for not doing the right thing before it is too late

Here is an article that D.W. Duke wrote on December 2008 about Ayatollah Boroujerdi on Iranian.com: http://iranian.com/main/blog/dw-duke/tragic-story-ayatollah-boroujerdi

and here is a petition that D.W. and Nazanin Afshin-Jam created more than 2 years ago: http://www.petitiononline.com/Maat2/petition.html 

Let’s fill the streets, blogs and Tweets demanding the release of Ayatollah Boroujerdi. Let’s fill the void while we can. The time is now!

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