Iran bans contact with 60 foreign organisations

The deputy intelligence minister in charge of external affairs said the 60 blacklisted groups were suspected of being involved in efforts by Western governments to topple the Islamic regime as part of a “soft war” and that it is now an offence to communicate with them.

“Any kind of contact by individuals or legal entities with those groups involved in the soft war is illegal and prohibited,” he said. Iranian state media did not give his name.

  The blacklisted organisations include the opposition website Rahesabz and the US-funded Radio Farda as well as American-based pro-monarchist satellite channels, Israeli public radio and the outlawed rebel People’s Mujahedeen.

The minister also called on the public to avoid “irregular contacts with embassies or foreign nationals or centres linked to them”.

“Citizens should be alert to the traps of the enemies and co-operate with the intelligence ministry in protecting the nation and neutralising the plots of foreigners and the conspirators,” he said in allusion to opposition sympathisers who have held repeated protests over the past seven months following the country’s dispuite presidential election whiuch returned Mahmoud Ahmahdinejad for a second term in office.

Other blacklisted groups included… >>>

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