‘This Is a Historical Moment for Egypt’

In a SPIEGEL interview, Egyptian Nobel Peace
Prize recipient Mohamed ElBaradei, 68, discusses the urge for change in
his home country, possible cooperation with Islamists in the next
election and the prospects of driving autocratic Hosni Mubarak out of

SPIEGEL: Mr. ElBaradei, some six months ago, you announced in an
interview with us that you wanted to retreat from public life. After 12
years as the chief of the United Nations nuclear weapons inspectors in
Vienna, you only wanted to give lectures. Now you are challenging
President Hosni Mubarak. What happened?

ElBaradei: The decisive moment was my return to Cairo in
February. I really only wanted to visit my country again and spend a few
weeks at my house here near the pyramids. But then, 1,500 people were
standing there at the airport. It was a cross-section of our society:
students, business people, workers and surprisingly many women,
including Egyptian women with head scarves and veiled faces. Some called
out: “This country must be changed, please help us make that happen!”
Others held signs reading: “ElBaradei for President!” It electrified me.

SPIEGEL: And that’s why you changed plans? According to the
constitution, you can’t even become a candidate for the presidency
without your own party.


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