Massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran could be repeated by Mullahs

The 1988 massacre in Iran and the repetition risk of another catastrophe is a serious international concern. We need global support to to save the life of present political prisoners in Iran among them many women who are the first victims of such atrocities. This is call upon all to awaken consciousness throughout the world to help to prevent another catastrophe.

In Iran’s history, the summer of 1988 represents a time of genocide and massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. Yet to this day, human rights violations and arbitrary executions are continuing in Iran. Due to the appeasement policy and concessions towards Tehran’s mullahs, however, the international community has kept silent regarding this genocide.

The Iranian regime carried out the most ruthless massacre of political prisoners in Iran’s modern history, genocide by the definition, under the direct order of Khomeini. The purpose of this horrendous crime was to confront the regime’s defeats in its 8 year war with Iraq. This plan was in preparation for many years and implemented by the ‘Death Committee’. Currently, Khomeini’s successors have begun a new crime to once again rebuff the existing crisis of the regime. The Iranian regime’s judiciary chief has issued 1120 death sentences and due to international revelations and human rights condemnations, this issue is on hold anticipating Khamenei’s personal admission. (Nedaye Sabz Website, 9 August 2010 – The Nedaye Sabz Azadi reporter… >>>

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