Focusing on the Iranian presidential elections of 2009 and ensuing demonstrations in major cities across Iran and world, Media, Power, and Politics in the Digital Age provides a balanced discussion of the role and impact of modern communication technologies, particularly the novel utilization of “small digital media”vis-à-vis the elections and global media coverage. Written in a non-technical, easy to read, and accessible manner, the volume will appeal to scholars, students, policy makers, and print professionals alike.
“A much-needed contribution to an issue, and a country, that will remain on
everyone’s radar for years to come.”
—Reza Aslan, UC Riverside, author of
No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam
“Expertly edited by Yahya Kamalipour, this book provides a wealth of
informative material written by leading global media scholars, media
professionals, and assorted experts on Iran that shed much needed light on the
media coverage of the 2009 contested presidential election and provide significant
insight about power, politics, culture, and media in the country.”
—Douglas Kellner, UCLA, author of Media Spectacle and the Crisis of
Democracy and Cinema Wars
“The essays in this book are full of insights into the power of new media in Iran,
its influence on the 2009 election, and emerging trends that may lead the
country toward a very different future.”
—Stephen Kinzer, author of All the
Shah’s Men and Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America’s Future
“Impressive collection. . . . A must read for any serious student of recent politics
in Iran, and of the evolving nature of news in our increasingly globalized
—Abbas Milani, Stanford University, author of Eminent
Persians: Men andWomen Who Made Modern Iran, 1941–1979
“In terms of modern communications theories and practices, contemplating an
event as globally significant as the uprisings and crackdowns that followed the
fraudulent presidential election of 2009 in Iran deserves a work of scholarship as ambitious in scope and incisive in its various
analyses as this book offers.”—Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, University of Maryland