USN-5th Fleet: MANAMA, Bahrain – Combined Maritime Forces responded to a medical emergency aboard an Iranian fishing vessel some 400 nautical miles north of the Seychelles, off the coast of Somalia early, Jan 5.The ship had issued a distress call for urgent medical assistance after a member of the crew suffered a head injury whilst repairing an engine.US Destroyer USS Momsen, serving with Combined Task Force 151, CMF’s counter-piracy mission, was the nearest ship in the vicinity. A medical team from the MOMSEN treated the injured crew member, a fifteen year old boy, on board the fishing vessel. Fortunately his injuries were not serious and there was no requirement for him to be medically evacuated.”We are delighted that once again Combined Maritime Forces has been able to provide humanitarian assistance in an emergency,” said CMF spokesperson Lt Cdr Susie Thomson RN. “Mariners of all nations take pride in supporting each other and this occasion was not exception. We are particularly glad that this boy’s injuries were not more serious and that he could remain with his crew mates.”CTF-151’s mission is to deter, disrupt and suppress piracy, protecting maritime vessels of any nationality and securing freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin. In conjunction with NATO and EUNAVFOR, CTF-151 conducts patrols in the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor and supports Best Management Practice methods for piracy avoidance that are promote… >>>