The Egyptians were duped. Army’s apparent siding with the masses may have just saved Mubarak, at least for the near future. This maneuver gave him just enough time to regroup and strategize. Let’s see. The army praises Egyptians and respects their rights to assemble, and almost immediately after Mubarak’s speech the army asks people to stop protesting so life and business would resume in Egypt. Hmmm… The Egyptians were not only duped, they were snubbed. The army used its relationship of trust with the people to come to Mubarak’s aide.
Okay. I’m hinting at a conspiracy theory. But I can’t help it. I’m Iranian. I’m middle-eastern. It’s in my DNA. Part of me wants to encourage Egyptians to finish Mubarak while he is down. Go for the kill. But then what? What’s next? Could the Egyptians reorganize and start their journey to so called democracy after such an abrupt end. On the other hand, Mubarak will have until September to complete the transition. In a perfect world it’s a win/win situation. But is it in Egypt? A lot could happen in nine months.