The Time of Reckoning Is at Hand

A disaster has struck, and the time of reckoning is at hand.
As I am saddened beyond description for our Japanese fellow human,
I can’t be but grateful for one favor that the Russians
Inadvertently have done for Iran.
That they extracted the fuel rods out of,
That disaster waiting to happen in our land,
Known as the Bushehr power plant.
I always thought of indisputable competence,
Every time Japanese technology crossed my mind.
Shit just couldn’t be more straight,
With all that was made,
By the capable hands of,
Them Japanese smart men…
Now I see Anderson Cooper getting his gig on,
All serious faced, pointing with his hands and so on,
For the big boss in CNN,
While a nation of stoic, most honorable and civilized people,
Weeps for its dead in a sea of twisted overturned cars, debris,
And cooks slowly,
As it gets a glowing radiation tan…
And I now pray that those damned Uranium rods of Bushehr,
Never are put back where they used to stand.
And before the nut-heads of Tehran
Decide to turn that bitch on,
I hope somebody blows that mother’
Straight to kingdom come…

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