Plight of Iranian Gays subject of New French Film “Quelques jours de répit”

French Algerian Drama about two Iranian Homosexual refugees in France who befriend a lonely French Woman. Starring Legendary French Star Marina Vlady. Vlady herself of French Russian decent was the former wife of French actor/director of Persian Heritage Robert Hossein (Son of Aminollah André Hossein). Based on a true Story, unfortunately the actors (including the director Amor Hakkar) playing the Iranian gay lovers happen not to be Iranian which may make the story less appealing or authentic with Iranian viewers. But then that is probably the magic as well as the shortcomings of motion pictures which often have to rely on the film director’s vision, limitations and imagination. If an Iranian like Robert Hossein was able to play the German Marshall Erwin Rommel in a WW II Film then why not have non Iranians including in this case Algerians play Iranians ? Ultimately it is the story that matters.



Quelques jours de répit (2011) directed by Amor Hakkar starring Marina Vlady, Samir Guesmi, and Amor Hakkar

Official Trailer of Film:

Related Website:

Official Website Of Film




Homosexuality in Iran



Arsham Parsi Proves There Are Gays In Iran:

Arsham Parsi, founder of the Iranian Queer Organization, has been called the first gay rights activist in Iranian history. Today, he tells us his story.




Marina Vlady on Film




Marina Vlady in film “La Sorcière” (1956) :

Directed by Andre Michel Starring:Marina Vlady, Nicole Courcel, Maurice Ronet, Ulf Palme

Haunting and sensual fantasy/drama about a French engineer sent to a remote Swedish town to oversee construction of a road. Once there, he becomes entranced by a beautiful young woman who lives in the woods and has been accused of being a witch by the villagers.
Starring: Marina Vlady, Nicole Courcel, Maurice Ronet,Ulf Palme
 Directors: Andre Michel

Marina Vlady in “Lesbonnes causes” (1962)

Marina Vlady & PierreBrasseur in Police Crime Drama “Les bonnes causes”, directed by Christian-Jaque 1962

La Princesse de Clèves (1961)

Opposite Jean Marais in Jean Delannoy’s historic drama « La Princesse de Clèves »



Plot in English:

They’re three, two men and a woman.

The two men made a choice ; they love each other and to live freely they ran away from the Islamic Republic of Iran, their home country.

Hassan who was a photographer and Moshen who taught french at Teheran College are today illegals. They entered France unlawfully, and silently they walk along a railway which must lead them to a small railway station in the countryside. There they hope to take a train to Paris.

The relationship between the two men is all keyed-up. Hassan knows that ifthe train leaving Teheran hadn’t been late, Moshen, who refuses to die hung up,would have left without waiting for him.

Her name’s Yolande. She’s already sixty. She lives alone in a modest flatin Saint-Claude, a provincial town. What is the expecting from live? Probably nothing or so little. Back from a week-end spent away, she arrives at a small station where two Iranians are waiting for the train. Moshen notices her and helps her to carry her luggage. They’ll travel facing each other in the train.

Yolande understands very quickly that that man is an illegal ; no matter,she finds him very considerate and endearing.

Once arrived in Saint-Claude, the transit station before Paris, Yolande whois usually so reserved dares to suggest to Moshen to have some work done in herflat.

These few days spent in Saint-Claude will change the destiny of each of thethree protagonists.

Plot in French:

Ils sont trois, deux hommes et une femme.

Les deux hommes ont choisi ; ils s’aiment et pour vivre librement, ilsont fui leur pays, la République Islamique d’Iran.

Déposés par un passeur à l’aube à proximité d’un chemin forestier, Hassanet Moshen franchissent clandestinement la frontière franco-suisse et entrent illégalement en France.

Jadis photographe et plateau professeur de français à l’Université deTéhéran, ils sont aujourd’hui clandestins et suivent, sans rien se dire, unevoie de chemin de fer qui doit les conduire vers la gare de Andelot d’où ilsespèrent trouver un train pour rejoindre Paris au plus vite.

La relation entre les 2 hommes est tendue. Hassan sait que si le train au départ de Téhéran n’avait pas eu de retard, Moshen, effrayé par l’idée demourir une corde autour du cou, serait parti sans l’attendre.

Elle, elle se prénomme Yolande. Elle a 60 ans déjà. Elle vit seule à Saint-Claude dans son modeste appartement. Qu’attend-elle de la vie ? Probablement plus rien ou si peu. Revenue d’un week-end passée chez une amie,elle est déposée par un taxi devant la gare d’Andelot. Moshen l’aperçoit. ildécide de l’aider à porter ses bagages.

Yolande et Moshen échangent quelques mots, suffisants pour effectuer letrajet ensemble jusqu’à la gare de Saint-Claude, gare de transit vers Paris.

Moshen et Hassan ont pris l’habitude de voyager dans des wagons différents/ de ne pas s’asseoir ensemble dans le train.

Hassan observe son ami échanger avec Yolande qui est assise en face de luidans le train.

Yolande devine très vite que cet homme est un clandestin ; peuimporte, elle le trouve attentionné et attachant.

A l’arrivée à Saint-Claude,Yolande, d’ordinaire effacée et réservée, ose et propose à Moshen d’effectuer quelques travaux chez elle, repeindre son salon etsa cuisine. Elle lui laisse son numéro de téléphone.

Moshen et Hassan qui sont descendus séparément du train se rejoignent à proximité de la gare. Les deux hommes échangent quelques mots, et Hassan accepte de rester deux ou trois jours à Saint-Claude avant de gagner Paris.

Au petit matin, devant l’hôtel où les 2 hommes ont pris une chambre, un taxi attend Moshen qui retrouve Yolande venue le chercher.

Hassan regarde le taxi d’éloigner.

Ces quelques jours à Saint-Claude vont bouleverser le destin de chacun des trois protagonistes…

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