The inexplicable Mr Kadivar

Since Darius partially dedicated a Blog to my ‘warmongering’ I thought it correct to return the favour because it is the only way to stop Darius from flagging up comments and Freedom of Speach he does not like.  

 Please read the following post from Darius Kadivar in which he says people should stop the ‘Witch Hunt’ against the Reza Aslan and that it is a Free Country and people can speak as they like. This is despite the fact that Darius is doing exactly the same. 

When I suggested that people should vote with their feet and not buy a comic book published and supported directly by Aslan ( I didn’t say ban!)  and his media company who comes to his defence? None other than Darius Kadivar.

 Darius also does a lot of publicity (not just accepting a ‘different view point’) for the vile Marjane Satrapi who spread malicious propaganda in her comicbook ‘Persepolis’ that the Shah burnt down the Cinema Rex and freely calls the Shah ‘A Bastard’ despite the fact that Darius loves his Royal Forums and vehemently (even attacking) people who dare accuse the Shah of arson. Tolerating things which you disagree with is one thing but why publicise this woman’s treasonous work so much? 

  Consistent arguments are not one of Darius’s qualities as demonstrated by his keen support of foreign ‘Imperial’ powers bombing Libya and asking if Obama doesn’t make Qadafi go and then who will?  Darius is so engrossed with Libya and kicking Qadafi’s ass that nealry all his posts in the News Sectiion these days are dedicated to them and offering ‘The Shah’s state visit to the Netherlands’ in connection with Iran.  When it comes to his own country, Iran,  he takes a hard line pacifist approach and stated, “We (who?) can’t sort out every country”. He then re-emphasises that Freedom comes at a High Price which the French during WW2 have learnt. It seems that  resistance aginast tyranny is the divine right of every country but not his own!. So the only people who can take up arms are the French and Libyans. He then freely admits that his view might change if Reza Pahlavi also changes his mind about military action against Iran. 

And to emphasise the importance  Loyalty and Courage  Darius draws parallels between Reza Pahlavi to George VI in the King’s Speech by putting links supposedly to invite comparisons. Someone should actually remind Darius that George VI’s popularity and courage came from his willingness to stand up and privately support the polcies of Churchill’s government to wage war on Tyrants and not like his weak-willed older brother who tried to appease Hitler and supporting diplomacy. 

I don’t expect an answer from Darius, he can’t give one – and each post will be filled with even more endless links, occasional insults or Youtube vidoes such as Amy Winehouse’s music video for  Rehab. See the connection? Neither can I.  

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