French rally to support Flotilla 2

Pro-Palestinian activists in France rally to support their nation’s efforts in the upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2, which will attempt to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

“We are not going to Israeli waters or Egyptian waters we are going to international waters and Palestinian waters, this is our objective” Claude Loestic, spokesperson for French Ship to Gaza told Press TV.

Technical issues prevented the boat from being ready to depart, but activists involved say they are determined to sail as early as next weekend.

Last year, on May 31, at least nine Turkish activists were killed and many others wounded after Israeli commandos attacked the aid flotilla in international waters.

The vessels will carry humanitarian aid, medical equipment, school supplies and construction materials, including up to 700 tons of cement.

Freedom Flotilla 2 is expected to be twice the size of its predecessor, with nearly 1,000 activists and 20 different boats. The date is tentatively set for June 25, but that could change as many of the boats will sail from Greece, which has a major strike planned for that day.

Israel imposed a blockade by land, air and sea after Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, claiming it wanted to stop the flow of rockets and weapons into Gaza.

According to the United Nations, poverty among Gazans has tripled since the blockade, with 61% of households not having enough food and over 45% of the workforce without …

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