We all know today, the Shah was removed by a US orchestrated coup d’etat, with military involvement up to the last minute. This Coup had been pre-planned years in advance and supported by propaganda focussing on 3 Massive myths regarding the Late Shah. 1) Dictator 2) Repression 3) Corruption. This Myth was Propagated mainly by US & UK Media (No Surprise). Who instead of Congratulating Iran on it’s oil independence in 1979 were found renegotiating contract for oil that saw Iran receive only 25% for its oil compared with 75% during the late Shahs time. While the US Secret plan spoke to the people of Iran, via it’s media in favor of supporting human rights, we also now know that this was just a cynical statement from the USA. Harsh tactics which had NOT been common, were being pushed on Savaki’s by US advisors (although nothing like the types of international torture houses the US is using today or even secret executions of US Citizens becoming now within the legal power of the President of the USA for the first time). To get a background of the details of these US & UK operations, listen to this clip by historian f william engdahl.
Then read this excerpt from a book written by an Iranian
Using these two documents, feel free to add your own, lets discuss if we should welcome A US Sponsored Regime Change for Iran, most likely using MeK (though the USA may decide to fund them in secrecy like it has been, instead of delisting them, to keep up a good US image)?