Iranians are all united behind Iran’s Nuclear programs. Iranians are proud, and competent. Iran is a great nations and the inheritor of a rich history and great civilization that once dominated humanity. If India has nukes, If Russia has Nukes, If Chinese have Nukes, If America has Nukes, If the Europeans have Nukes …then so should Iran. Plain and simple. But beyond pride, there are many logical reasons to endure all the pain inflicted on Iran to sustain the nuclear program.
Israel’s attack on Iran’s nuclear establishments is a bad idea. Iranians want the theocracy out. Better to bomb Khamenei’s palace or centers of theocratic power (such as Qom) than to bomb Nuclear establishments. If Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear establishments Iranians will galvanize arround the current government – as much as they hate them – for the sake if defending Iranian sovereignty and dignity. Israel will lose a potential critical allie; and the Mullahs will become more entrenched. The result will be a more polarized, and paranoid Iran – with the Mullahs digging in further to stay in power for another 30 years. Its a dumb idea. Iranians are all UNITED in supporting Iran’s nuclear program. Consider the followin:
First of all, we all know fossil fuels will run out during our lifetimes. There is no question that Nuclear energy will become the pre-eminent source of energy in the world – just has in fact it has been for millions of years on the Sun’s surface. Iran needs to export its oil – not burn it – and a domestic nuclear program will help maintain net exports and extend Iran’s income from oil and natural gas. Despite all nuclear accidents – Chernobyl, Japan, etc. – Nuclear power will survive and eventually take over as the leading source of energy throughout the world. Many countries like France already produce over 80% of their energy needs via Nuclear power.
Second: Iran sits at the epi-center between India, China, Russia, Arabia and Europe. 65% of the world’s population; and the world’s fastest growing economies that will soon also account for 65% of the world’s GDP can all be serviced with interconnecting energy and telecommunication grids centered in Iran. Iran is already building a natural gas pipeline to Turkey and Europe as well as Pakistan and India. Iran can also become a major electricity supplier at the center of such a grid and export electricity (as it already does) to neighboring countries. Nuclear power has to be a significant option under any future scenario – and agian much like France not only produce power for domestic needs, but also export significant quantities of energy and establish a major regional distribution system.
Third: Iran has significant Uranium deposits. Not long ago I read a silly article saying Iran has no Uranium to speak of; yet, there is factual evidence that in just one shaft in in one mine in central Iran, there is enough Uranium ore to position Iran within the top 10 producers of Uranium worldwide. Why should Iran base its economy solely on fossil fuel resources, when it has other valuable resources too. And more importantly, why send these resources overseas for processing and then buy it back at inflated values for its nuclear power programs. Iran surely must have its own domestic enrichment capabilities too.
Fourth: Iran is in a tough neighborhood – with many major Nuclear powers within a 2 hour missile flight from Iran. Russia, India, China, Israel – not to forget US and European missiles stationed in Eastern Europe. Two major invasions have occured on neighboring countries; and Iran was itself invaded only 30 years ago by Saddam Hussein. Major terrorist groups operate arround Iranian borders financed by Israel, aiding sepratist movements designed to destroy Iran as we know it. Iranians have every right to protect their homeland and surely nuclear capability has to be on the cards in such a hostile environment.
Fifth (but most importantly): Israel itself has nuclear establishments and over 400 Nuclear warheads. An attack on Iran for “nuclear non-compliance’ would be to say the least very hypocritical. Israel itself is not even a signatory of the NPT (Nuclear non-ploriferation treaty) and Israel is probably the world’s most non-compliant nation with respect to numerous U.N. resolutions. ANd beyond all that, Israel itself has an aggressive posture and has invaded virtually every one of its neighbors. (Iran on the other hand has not invaded anyone in hundreds of years). An attack on Iran would be baseless and defy logic – especially from Israel. And in the end, further isolate Israel and even, put the whole country (Israel that is) at serious risk. Israel would be inviting retaliation and the consequences of such action would be very hard to predict.
Unfortunately, the West did not attack Iran when they could have back in the 90’s. In fact the mullahs in Iran should have been defeated first, before comitting troops into Iraq. This was a major strategic blunder. And in 2009 when the Iranian public took to the streets, and begged the West for support – none was forthcoming. The West has let the people of Iran down very badly many times. Time and again over the past 100 years – Iranians have been undermined by the West. The West has NEVER MISSED an opportunity to deny Iranians their freedom and democracy….by always supporting dictators and enemies of Iranians into power. If Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear establishments, we all know that it will be with America’s blessing. Once again, the United States will end up backing force and aggression against the nation of Iran.
Iranians want their freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press …etc etc. and ultimately free enterprise. Not because it is some divine tenet, but because they want to give their children dignity and prosperity – and it is only through freedom and liberty that a nation can express its pride, tbe free to ake risks in order to achieve, and be enterprising. In the end, freedom translates to economic prosperity. By invading Iran’s nuclear establishments, Iran will be thrown back into the dark ages in the energy sphere and Iranians will be condemned to more repression and poverty. I do not think Iranians will stand still and watch it happen. There will be unintended consequences for any aggressor.
Better to topple the regime, and leave the nuclear establishments alone. A new transparent, secular and democratic regime will be the best assurance Israel (indeed anyone) will need to guard regional security. Iranians are actually very natural Israeli allies. It was an Iranian king who freed the Jews from persecution from then Arabs. The Mullahs in Iran are Arabs too (imposing Arab culture and customs on Iranians) … and All Iranians ask is that Israel helps topple the regime – not topple nuclear establishments and not support terrorists (MEK/MKO/PMOI, Jundallah, Azeri sepratists, Al Ahwaz Sepratists, etc) whose only aim is the destruction of Iran. Mr. Netenyahu, we agree that the Regime in Iran are Nazi’s. You are right about that. So why not deal with the regime? The nuclear issue is a side show – a symptom. Attack the root problem …please.