TASLIAT: Kim Jong Il in Team America

Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea, has died at the age of 69 after suffering a heart attack, North Korean state media has announced.

Kim, known in the communist country as the “Dear Leader”, died on Saturday aboard a train during a trip out of Pyongyang. ( See Related BBC News)

North Korea’s Kim Jong-il dead at 69 (Al Jazeera Report) :

Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea, has died at the age of 69 after suffering a heart attack, North Korean state media has announced.

Kim, known in the communist country as the “Dear Leader”, died on Saturday aboard a train during a trip out of Pyongyang, a tearful presenter for the official KCNA news agency said on Monday.
Laura Kyle looks back at Kim Jong-il’s legacy.

North Korean State TV announces Kim Jong Il’s death (BBC Report) :

Kim Jong Il, the leader of North Korea has died. He was 69. He died on a train trip, a tearful state television announcer dressed in black, reported Monday.






I’m So Ronery:

Kim Jong Il in Team America :

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