Dear Friends,
THE IRAN JOB movie launched a 50 Day Kickstarter campaign 47 days ago to raise the funds necessary to release the film in 2012. The response has been overwhelmingly inspiring and positive. Here are some awesome highlights:
* As of 4pm Jan 6th, we have 579 backers who have raised over $67,000
* Our supporters come from every corner of the globe, from Australia to Saudi Arabia, from Malaysia to Kenya, from India to Russia – over 40 countries!
* CNN International World Report interviews the protagonist, Kevin Sheppard
* THE IRAN JOB on the cover of for 24 hours (100,000 hits)
* Washington Post after a work-in-progress screening at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Our campaign ends this Monday Jan 9th, at 4:38 pm.
Our personal goal is to have 1,000 backers by Monday. This is will be hard – but it’s not impossible. It takes a few simple steps. Take 2.5 minutes to watch the trailer on Kickstarter. If you like what you see, help us by making a pledge and inspiring a few people to do the same. You can pledge as low as $1. At the $25 level, you will receive a pre-release DVD. For $100, you can choose the All-Star Package. There are exciting rewards at every level including fantastic artwork by Nicky Nodjoumi & Nahid Hagigat.
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, here’s what people have said about it:
“Discovered your film project today at CNN. The more I read about it, the more I became fascinated. Your timing couldn’t be better. I feel this film could have a very positive effect on the turn of events in Iran. I have several friends and acquaintances from Iran or of Iranian lineage. They are very friendly humble people. Plus they have the best pistachios in the world! I’m pleased to offer my support and spread the word.” norb o dec 23
“It is such men and women who demystifies and breaks barriers in misunderstood relationships. Sports I believe can bring the world together. Iran may not be as bad as the politicians in the West would make us believe.” sirucha dec 14.
“I am an African-American living in Kuwait, and I can in a small way relate to Kevin’s experience in the movie. I have donated to your site in Kickstarter because I believe what you are showing needs to be seen in the US. Granted Kuwait is a bit more liberal than Iran, but I think the same themes that you cover in Iran are present here. In the states we are told obliquely and sometimes directly “Muslims are evil” or “those people over there hate us” etc…. My experiences in the Middle East have shown me that the people of this region are hospitable, friendly, and generous, and I am confident that your film will allow many others to see that as well.” bb dec 15.
“I see the bigger picture here; and a potential blockbuster doc worth supporting. Off to Kickstarter to pledge…” buder dec 23
“Basketball meets Iran – going to be HUGE” jasongoodman dec 11
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our project, and please, help us reach our goal by Monday by sharing and pledging as often as you can in the next few days.
Sara Nodjoumi & Till Schauder (producer & director, THE IRAN JOB)