Pro Shah and Pro Constitutionalists gather in Amjadieh Stadium in Tehran in support of Shapour Bakhtiar’s government amidst the ever growing turmoil of the Islamic revolution. A Vocal minority (often presented as the « Silent Majority » by then Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar) dares speak up in support of the crumbling regime and it’s last appointed government.
Pro Shah demonstrations in Amjadieh Stadium (1979):
Pro Shah demonstrators gather in Amjadieh Stadium in Tehran as the Revolution gathers larger crowds against the regime
Pro Bakhtiar Demonstrations in Tehran (1979) :
Pro Bakhtiar Demonstrations in support of the 1906 Constitution gather in Tehran
Related Blogs :
HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: Man Chased by Anti Shah Protestors During Shah’s US Visit (1977)
DISCRIMINATION: Vendetta Against Anglican Bishop in Iran (1980)
pictory:(FOR REFERENDUM BASHERS) Women Punched in Face by Revolutionaries
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